General Daniel is set before us in the Scriptures as one whom the Lord loved. Daniel was carried captive with Jehoiachim, king of Judah, and many of the nobility of the land of Israel, eleven years before the final captivity in the days of Zedekiah, when the land was left desolate without an inhabitant, and the seventy years of desolation began. Daniel was fourteen years old when carried captive to Babylon, and consequently lived to the extreme age of over one hundred years. R2492:3 Young Jewish captives proving their qualifications were given every opportunity to use their talents for the benefit of the nation adopting them. Daniel became Prime Minister in Babylon; and others of the Jewish captives attained to the rank of presidents of different divisions of the Babylonian empire. R5796:2 We may here learn a lesson of how God is able to make even the disasters of life work out blessings for those who are truly loyal to him even as Daniel and his companions were blessed and prospered in the enemy's land, and advanced to positions far higher than they ever would have attained in their own land. R4873:1 What heroic examples of godly zeal and fortitude, and of friendship cemented by the bonds of a common noble purpose. Four young men devoted to God mutually agree to set their faces like a flint against temptation, and to live righteously and godly in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation; and truly they have shone as lights, not only in their own day, but down even to the present time. R1708:6 History tells us that ancient Babylon was captured by Cyrus the Great and his army after a siege of considerable length, which was unsuccessful until his soldiers digged a fresh channel for the river and turned aside its course. Thus was the River Euphrates dried up; and the Medo-Persian army entered the ancient city suddenly in the night, while the princes of Babylon, corresponding to the notables of Christendom, were holding high carnival. The strong symbolic language used in respect to Mystic Babylon corresponds so well to the prophetic language respecting ancient Babylon that we are warranted in understanding that city to have been a prototype of Mystic Babylon and her fall a prefigure of Christendom's fall. SM410, SM411 The book of Daniel, as we have it in our common version of the Bible, corresponds to that which was accepted by the Jews, but attached to it were three stories-- "Bel and the Dragon," "The Song of the Three Hebrew Children," and "The Story of Susannah," which have nothing whatever to do with Daniel, and which bear no marks of being his production nor give any evidence of inspiration. The book is one against which the Higher Critics have thrown and are still throwing the weight of their influence--they claim it was not written until long after the time of Daniel and was merely given his name. Strangely enough these grounds of objection become to us, who have a different view of the meaning of those prophecies, one of the strongest evidences possible of the inspiration of the writer. Certainly no prophet ever described more particularly the great events of universal history, certainly none ever marked more clearly and distinctly than did Daniel the precise time of the first advent of Messiah. The prophet Ezekiel, Daniel's contemporary associated in the exile, twice referred to him in his prophecy, classing him with Noah and Job. He mentions expressly Daniel's great wisdom. R3630:1,2; PD89/103 Daniel 1 Daniel 1:1 In the third year -- Daniel was carried captive with Jehoiachim, king of Judah, eighteen years before the final captivity in the days of Zedekiah. R2492:3, R4873:1; Q80:1, Q94:2; HG58:1, HG518:5 Eleven years before Zedekiah. R2492:3*; B52 Of Jehoiakim -- Often, by misinterpretation, applied to the times of Antiochus Epiphanes. R3630:1 Came Nebuchadnezzar -- From this passage, we fix the date of Nebuchadnezzar's reign from the Bible date of Jehoiakim's reign. R1976:3 Daniel 1:3 The king -- Illustrating the King of Glory. R4873:5 That he should bring -- Nothing gives us a higher opinion of the kings of ancient times, their willingness to recognize character and merit wherever it might be found, than does the record furnished in the book of Daniel. R2501:1, R3638:6 Of the children of Israel -- With a two-fold object: to associate with the empire the learning and skill of the world, and to promote a friendly feeling between Babylon and the countries over which it held sway. R2493:1 Daniel 1:4 Children -- An illustration of Christians in this Gospel age. R4873:5 In the king's palace -- Young Jewish captives were given opportunity to use their talents for the benefit of Babylon. R5796:2 To be fitted to constitute a board of wise men, counselors to the king. R4873:1 Teach the learning -- Illustration of the school of Christ. R4873:5 A three-year course of education in the sciences. R2493:1 Daniel 1:5 The king's meat -- So that, being well nourished, they might be in their best physical and mental condition. R4873:2, R5796:2 They shared in the food prepared for the royal family. R5796:2 Good food--better probably, than they had been used to previously. R2493:5 Daniel 1:6 Daniel -- "God is my judge." R2493:2, R3630:3 The names of the four young men (about 16 years of age) imply a parentage that was reverential and loyal to God. R3630:3 Daniel was 14 years old when carried captive to Babylon. R2492:3 He had a noble, amiable, winsome character. R2493:2 Hananiah -- "God is gracious," "Jehovah is gracious." R2493:2, R3630:3 Mishael -- "This is as God," "God-like." R2493:2, R3630:3 Azariah -- "God is a helper," "Jehovah has helped." R2493:2, R3630:3 These four were evidently of noble birth and religious training. R4873:1, R2493:2 Chosen because of their brightness and general intelligence to be specialty educated for governmental positions. R3630:4 Daniel 1:7 Gave names -- Changing their names by no means changed their hearts, no more than did their being transported from the land of promise to Babylon. R3630:4 They were given these new names to break their identity with their native homes and establish an identity with the kingdom of Babylon. R2493:2 These new Babylonish names implied relationship or servitude to the deities of Babylonia. R3630:4 Daniel 1:8 But Daniel purposed -- Of the four, Daniel seems, from the first, to have been leader, and his leading seems to have been in the right direction. R2493:4 In his heart -- The faithful, like Daniel, will set themselves to the attainment of their object at any cost. Their faith tells them that their object is worthy of their effort. R3631:4 All who receive the grace of God into good and honest hearts will surely experience a cleansing work. R3631:6 The Lord places us frequently where we have opportunities of choosing. It becomes a matter of character or principle with us what we choose. There is no virtue in choosing the only thing possible. R3631:3 Not defile himself -- Physically or mentally, by eating such rich food; morally, by eating what had been offered to idols. R3630:5 To eat the king's meat would imply to the people that the young men were receiving blessings from the heathen gods. R5796:4 Daniel's objection to the food was instigated wholly by religious duty, because of varieties forbidden under the Law. R2493:5 They would rather deny themselves than violate God's Law, indicating a mental and moral discipline. R2493:6 It is a mistake to suppose that high living is specially conducive to intellectuality--not to mention spirituality. R4873:2 Clean spiritual provender is important to the Lord's flock. Those who come to a knowledge of the truth must abstain from all defiled spiritual food and from mingling with the Babylonians at their table. R2494:4 The Bible regulates the Christian in respect to what he eats, drinks, where he goes, what he does, what he reads, his companionship and even his very thoughts. R5796:5 The abstemious course, self-denial, self-restraint, is all important to the upbuilding of the character likeness of Christ. R3631:2 Sobriety and self-denial mean the king's favor, bringing satisfaction and restfulness of heart and mind, and peace with God and our consciences. R3631:5 "Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God." (2 Cor. 7:1) R3631:6 To be cleansed from filthiness of the spirit--evil thoughts, hatred, malice, strife, revenge, backbiting, evil speaking--is most important. R3632:1, R3631:6 How careful all should be not to bring into the church errors and false doctrines, misrepresentations of Scripture, to defile or stumble or injure any of the Lord s little ones. R3631:5 We should be careful to have our bodies as clean, pure and holy as possible. R3631:6 We must fight against our own appetites in all the affairs of life. R3631:2 "If any man defile the temple of God, him will God destroy." (1 Cor. 3:17) R3631:5 King's meat -- Daniel recognized that his health of mind and body would be better if he abstained from these. R3630:5 The Bible does not prohibit the use of flesh food. Our Lord and the apostles ate meat. R5796:3 Nor with the wine -- Gluttony and the use of alcoholic liquors stupefy the brain. R3631:1 The Scriptures do not forbid alcoholic liquors, but they indicate a blessing upon those who abstain, as well as upon eunuchs. R5796:4 A lesson in favor of total abstinence from intoxicants. R1403:1 Daniel 1:9 Daniel -- Specially favored of the Lord with visions and revelations. R2493:2 Into favour -- Because of his meekness. gentleness and general nobility of character. R5796:2, R4873:2, R2493:2 This favor meant the jealousy and enmity of his associates. R3631:4 Whosoever will live godly in the present time shall suffer persecution. R3631:4 Prince of the eunuchs -- The steward having charge of the students. R3630:6 Daniel 1:10 Endanger my head -- Not only cost him his position, but his very life. R3630:6 Daniel 1:11 To Melzar -- To the Melzar, the butler. R2493:6 Daniel 1:12 Prove thy servants -- They were seeking to develop characters in accord with the will of God for a better earthly resurrection. R3631:2 Seeking a course that not only would have divine approval, but also cause as little trouble, inconvenience and displeasure to others as possible. R2493:6 As ours will be a higher reward, our trial of faith will be more crucial. R3631:3 Give us pulse -- Very plain and inexpensive vegetable diet. R2493:5, R4873:3, R5796:3 Vegetables, particularly peas and beans, which contain all the elements necessary for proper nutrition. R5796:3, R3630:5 Nothing is gained by simply abstaining from Babylonian portions and starving spiritually. Whoever abstains from the defiled food must seek and use the simple and undefiled food which the Lord provides. R2494:5 It is well nigh impossible to be strong in willpower in respect to important things if lax and pliable in respect to the less important. R2494:1 Christians are left to their own judgments as to what food would best nourish them for the Lord's service. R5796:3, R4873:6 Daniel 1:15 Countenances appeared fairer -- There is a general operation of divine law that whosoever seeks to live conscientiously, cleanly, honestly, will have compensations in his own heart and life. R5796:5 Daniel 1:16 Melzar took away -- To the amusement of their associates, who would consider them foolish for choosing simple fare when they might have king's food. R3631:1 Daniel 1:17 Children -- Youths. R4873:3 Knowledge and skill -- Not wholly miraculous under natural laws, boys with enough character for self-denial for righteousness' sake would also have enough character in all their affairs and studies. R2493:6 Daniel had understanding -- The specially favored of the favored four, his portion included visions and revelations. R2493:2 Daniel 1:18 At the end of the days -- After the three-year course, when Daniel was seventeen. R2494:1 Picturing the end of this age. R4873:5 Bring them in -- Picturing the test of examination for those in the school of Christ. R4873:5 Daniel 1:19 Before the king -- Their exaltation in his realm paid them for their self-denials and their loyalty to God and to principle. R5796:4 Sobriety and self-denial mean not only disappointments, trials, deprivations and oppositions, but they mean also the King's favor. R3631:5 Though not a type, there is a certain correspondency between this position and that occupied by those called to joint-heirship with Jesus Christ. R2494:2 "Dare to be a Daniel" --the Daniel spirit is a possibility with every person. R4873:5, R2494:4, R3631:4 Daniel 1:20 Ten times better -- As a natural result of their courage and strength of character. R2493:5 The result of devoting their lives in doing the divine will. R4873:4, R5796:5 The four were advanced to positions far higher than they would ever have attained in their own land. R4873:2 Corresponding to those called to joint-heirship in the Kingdom with Christ. R2494:4 It paid the young Hebrews well for their self-denials and their loyalty to God and to principle. R5796:5 Astrologers -- Enchanters. R4873:4 Daniel 1:21 And Daniel -- Who lived to be over 100 years of age. R2492:3; HG518:6 See comments on Dan. 1:1. Our Daniel, our Leader, our Lord Jesus, our example. R2494:4 King Cyrus -- Signifies "the sun"; corresponding to the prophecy of Christ-- "The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in his beams." (Mal. 4:2) R2498:4 Illustration of Messiah, King of kings and Lord of lords, who, with his faithful, will shortly overthrow mystic Babylon and possess the world. R2498:4 The "seventy years desolation" ended with the first year of Cyrus, BC 536. R2509:3 Daniel 2 Daniel 2:1 Dreamed dreams -- God gave the dream and sent its interpretation through Daniel, the prophet. SM417:1 Portraying the Gentile rule of earth during the interregnum of God's Kingdom. R5526:2 Simultaneous with Zedekiah's fall and the taking away of his crown. R5526:2 A dream of much more interest to all Christians than it could possibly have been to Nebuchadnezzar himself. CR41:6 Daniel 2:5 Cut in pieces -- Put to death as imposters, letting on that they had a connection with the gods that they did not have. Q95:T Daniel 2:9 Tell me the dream -- Arguing that if they had supernatural power by which they could explain a dream, the same power could rehearse it. CR41:6 Daniel 2:15 Made the thing known -- Evidently Daniel was not with the magicians before the king. Q95:T Daniel 2:21 Removeth kings -- God had to do with the setting up and pulling down of the universal governments. R5305:2 Daniel 2:28 Maketh known to the king -- And indirectly, more particularly, to the watchers. R2976:6 Daniel 2:29 Known to thee -- Picture of Gentile rule of earth from the human standpoint. OV82:2 Daniel 2:31 A great image -- Representing the four great Gentile universal empires. A253; R419:6, R5564:3, R5854:1; Q82:1 Symbolizing not the people, but the governments. A255 Showing the earthly governments that would rule over the earth during the interim between the overthrow of the typical kingdom of God and the installation of the true King in his Millennial Kingdom glory. R2976:4 The period of time during which these universal empires will have controlled the world must be the Times of the Gentiles. R5564:3 Symbol of the world power in its whole development and final destruction. R3359:4* Was excellent -- From Nebuchadnezzar's, the world's, standpoint. A256; CR42:2 As thus glorious the earthly kingdoms are regarded by the world; but God portrayed the same four earthly governments to Daniel, in chapter 7, as beastly. R166:2, R419:6, R815:2 Daniel 2:32 Head was of fine gold -- Representing the Babylonian empire. R166:2, R419:6, R2976:4, R815:2, R5526:2, R5564:2; SM417:1, SM478:1; PD49/61; A253; OV82:2, OV340:5; CR42:1 Breast and his arms of silver -- Representing the Medo-Persian empire. See references to Head was of fine gold. Belly and his thighs of brass -- Representing the Grecian empire. See references to Head was of fine gold. Daniel 2:33 His legs of iron -- Representing the Roman empire. See references to Head was of fine gold. Two legs represent the strong Roman empire, East and West, Rome and Constantinople; each, in turn, was the Roman capital. OV341:3, OV192:1; R3359:4; SM478:1 That Rome held universal sway in the time of our Lord's birth is shown in Luke 2:1, "There went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed." A253; CR42:1 If Israel had accepted Jesus as King, the Messianic Kingdom would have been established at this point. Foreseeing their failure, God pictured the extension of Gentile supremacy in the feet of the image. OV82:2 His feet -- The toes are kingdoms, corresponding to the ten horns of the beast of Dan. 7:7. R3359:4* Being represented in the present divisions of the Roman empire in Europe. R5854:1; SM478:1 The kingdoms now in existence, represented in the feet, received their power and authority originally from the Papacy or some of her protesting daughters who crowned them to reign "by the grace of God." R815:2 It is upon the feet of this image that the Armageddon crash of God's Kingdom is pictured as falling--grinding the entire image to powder. R5854:1 Part of iron -- Represents civil governments. SM478:1; PD49/61; A254; R3359:5*, R2976:5 Some places the iron is more prominent and some places the clay. The iron, which has the strength, is usually the most prominent. Q96:T Part of clay -- Imitation stone; stone being the symbol of the true Kingdom of God. A254; Q:81:1, Q96:T; SM417:3; R5564:5 Represented ecclesiasticism as it is now mixed up with the politics of the ten kingdoms of Europe. SM478:1, SM417:2; PD49/61; A254; R5526:2, R3359:5*, R2976:5; Q81:1 The commingling of the iron and clay represented that blending of church and state known as the Holy Roman empire. OV82:2 Daniel 2:34 Till that a stone -- The true Kingdom of God, Christ and the Church. A254; CR42:3; SM417:2, SM479:2; OV82:3; R2976:5, R3293:2 The fifth universal empire, Messiah's Kingdom. There have been two unsuccessful attempts to establish this fifth empire-- one by Papacy and the other by Napoleon. OV340:5 A small stone, a Little Flock. R2375:1 Messiah, Head and Body. R3293:2 The holy mountain referred to in Isa. 11:9. R5575:4 During its preparation, while being cut out, it might be called an embryo mountain, in view of its future destiny; as the Church is sometimes called the Kingdom of God. A255 The New Jerusalem "coming down from God out of heaven." (Rev. 21:10) R654:5, R2606:3 When he gives the saints with Christ their Lord the heathen for an inheritance; when he gives the Kingdom under the whole heavens to the people of the saints. R658:5 The Gentiles, not fully out of power; but, their lease expiring, their eviction begins. Bix The Times of the Gentiles is the period between the time that the image was set up or came into power and the time that the stone is to smite the image upon the feet and crush its power. Q82:1; SM478:1; OV82:3 Was cut out -- During the Gospel age this "stone" kingdom, the true Church, is being formed, "cut out." A255; OV82:3 Without hands -- Without human aid. SM479:1 But by the power of God. R2606:3, R3359:4*, R654:5; OV191:5, OV429:3 Smote the image -- The preparatory step to the establishment of Messiah's Kingdom. R5526:2; OV341:1; B99 The impact is prominently noted throughout the Scriptures as a "time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation." (Dan. 12:1) OV83:T The little period of 40 years between 1874 and 1914 is, in the Scriptures, called the "Day of Vengeance," the smiting time preparatory to the inauguration of the Kingdom of righteousness. R1874:5 We expect this smiting in 1915, not 1914. Q96:4 If Zedekiah's dethronement should be dated BC 588, it would make the date 1932. My conviction, however, favors 1914. SM480:T This smiting, we believe, is near at hand (1915 comment), the present war in Europe being intended of the Lord to weaken the nations and prepare them for the next stage of trouble. R5673:5 It is the smiting by this Kingdom that is preparing for the wreck of all the kingdoms of earth. R1692:6, R5916:6 The dominion of earth. R2375:1, R5575:3; A262 The Kingdom of God, when first set up at the introduction of the Millennial age, will be small; but, as soon as set up in power, it will smite the "great image" of earthly rulership. R5575:2 The present smiting of the nations is under Kingdom control. The fact that some of the members of the Kingdom class are still in the flesh does not mitigate at all against this thought. R5632:1 We see all about us evidence of the beginning of the smiting, shaking and overturning of the present powers preparatory to the establishment of the Kingdom. B170 The smiting will not come from the Church in the flesh, with carnal weapons, but from the Church in Kingdom glory, backed by divine power. R5716:4 Not until the Church is complete, and Christ takes to himself his great power to reign, and the Gentile times end, will this heavenly power be hurled against the image. OV82:3; A255 It is the Heavenly Father that will do the smiting. You and I have nothing to do with that. Q82:2; CR42:4 The impact will be so sharp and so thorough as to leave nothing of Gentile supremacy. R5527:4, R5854:1; SM479:1 Upon his feet -- The very last part of the image. CR42:4 Present earthly governments. R668:5 The Roman empire still exists, not in the form in which it was first recognized, but in the fact that it was a combination of church and state and the two, uniting, sought to rule all Europe and the world. Q96:T It is upon the feet of this image that the Armageddon crash of God's Kingdom is pictured as falling. R5854:1 Of iron and clay -- Civil and ecclesiastical powers. B78 The decaying power of the Roman dominion. R815:2 Brake them to pieces -- Not gradually, but suddenly. R3359:5* The crushing comes at the end of the age, preparatory to the establishment of Messiah's Kingdom. OV341:1; R654:5 The present step (1915) is the war of the nations. The next will be Socialism--attempted Socialism--and the third step, anarchy. R5632:2 Not until Immanuel shall take his great power and reign and bind Satan will there be permanent peace. R2361:1 Daniel 2:35 Then -- When the time came for the setting up of the Fifth Universal empire. A260 The iron -- The Roman empire; civil power. A254; B78 The clay -- Ecclesiastical power. A254; B78 The brass -- The Grecian empire, which still has a measure of life. A253, A260 The silver -- The Persian empire, which still has a measure of life. A253, A260 The gold -- The Babylonian empire. A253 Together, all the evil kingdoms of the prince of darkness. R2606:3 Broken to pieces -- Their utter destruction. R2338:5 Together -- Struck once--shattered all together. R3359:5* Sir Isaac Newton observed: "All the four beasts are still alive, though the dominion of the first three be taken away." HG74:2 Like the chaff -- Ground to powder in the great time of trouble. R5575:3, R2314:1, R5632:1 The Armageddon crash of God's Kingdom is pictured as falling--grinding the entire image to powder. R5854:1 The impact will be so sharp and so thorough as to leave nothing of them--they will cease to be. R5527:4 And the wind -- A great war. R3414:3 No place was found -- Graphic description of the end of Gentile governments. OV83:1; R5527:4, R668:5 So long as these governments would be here, they and Messiah's Kingdom could not cooperate. R5526:2 And the stone -- See comments on Dan. 2:34. After it had done the smiting work. R3359:5* Became -- Spreading, in its various parts, as do earthly governments. D642 Gradually expanding. R2375:1; SM479:2 Its own power and dominion will be established as fast as by its varied influences and agencies it crushes and scatters the powers that be. B78 A great mountain -- Kingdom. D642; R654:5, R409:6, R2606:3, R2976:6, R5181:2, R5182:2 Many years will doubtless pass before this prophecy will be fulfilled. R5182:2 Not by poor human efforts will God's Kingdom come. R658:5, R414:5 Filled the whole earth -- Having broken to pieces the evil kingdoms of the prince of darkness. R2606:3, R654:5 And not only the place where the image stood. SM479:2 A worldwide Kingdom. R5181:2 As a spiritual unseen power, but with human representatives who can be seen. R219:4 Daniel 2:36 This is the dream -- Containing a great political chart of the world's history for the last twenty-five centuries. R662:1* Tell the interpretation -- Daniel is the introduction to John; the book of John is the completion of Daniel. Daniel is first John; John is second Daniel. They are two parts of the same book, using the same symbols and hieroglyphics and treating the same course of events. R662:1* Daniel 2:37 A king of kings -- A king over kings; the first one represented in the image. Q95:2 Nebuchadnezzar was made the representative ruling head of human dominion--Lord of earth. B96 The greatness of Babylonia dates especially from the time of the overthrow of Israel. At that time God recognized it and it became the universal empire. Q80:1 The God of heaven -- Man's present efforts to rule are not in defiance of Jehovah, but by his permission, for a limited time. A251 Hath given thee -- There the Gentile kingdoms, or "Powers that be, were ordained of God." (Rom. 13:1) A253 Saying to the Gentiles, I will not be ready to set up my Kingdom for some time. In the interim you may have opportunity to demonstrate what you can do for the world. Institute the best government that you can. R5564:4 They are all Gentile governments and not representatives of God. All these kingdoms are demonstrating various principles of government. HG569:6 We are interested in these kingdoms because we are interested in mankind in general, and we may pray for them such wisdom as God sees best. R5205:1 A kingdom -- For the opportunity to see what he could do with it. R5204:4 The first kingdom in the image. Previously God had his own kingdom of Israel in the world, during which time there could be no other universal empire. Q81:1; R2497:2; HG48:2 Daniel 2:38 And the fowls -- Almost the same language addressed to Adam. B96; HG49:1 Into thine hand -- And not into the hand of his dead father, Nabopolassar, as some suppose. R1978:5 Each of the five universal monarchies existed a long time before universal dominion was given into its hand. B100 Thou -- Babylon, represented by Nebuchadnezzar. A253; OV340:4; SM417:1 It was under Nebuchadnezzar's administration that the Babylonian empire reached its zenith. R2497:2 Art this head -- The representative head of earth. B96; R2497:2 Daniel 2:39 Another kingdom -- The succeeding Medo-Persian empire. A253; PD49/61; OV340:4 These are all Gentile kingdoms and not representatives of God. All these various kingdoms demonstrate various principles of government. R5204:5 Had only one nation been permitted to experiment with the race, we would not have known whether other nations might have been successful if given the opportunity. R5204:5 Third kingdom -- Grecia. A253; OV340:4 Daniel 2:40 Fourth kingdom -- Rome. A253; OV340:4 The present governments of Europe are the Roman empire under a new gloss, or pretense. Their laws, methods and ambitions are those of the Romans exactly; but, deceiving and being deceived, they call themselves Christian kingdoms. R5673:4 The Roman empire still exists as a combination of church and state although there has been a disintegration between the iron (civil) and the clay (ecclesiastical) powers. A254; Q96:T Strong as iron -- The iron empire, Rome, was by far the strongest and endured longer than its predecessors--in fact, it still continues in the nations of Europe. A253 Daniel 2:41 Feet and toes -- The present divisions of the Roman empire. A254; OV340:5; R5854:1; SM405:4 Today we have the division of the nations known as Christendom--Protestant and Catholic--as represented by the toes of the image. OV82:2, OV83:7 The ten toes are also pictured in the ten horns of the terrible beast of Dan. 7. OV83:7 America is not included directly, only indirectly. R5854:1 Part of potters' clay -- Ecclesiastical powers. Q96:T, A254 Part of iron -- The civil power. A254; Q96:T The kingdom -- The Holy Roman empire. A253; Q81:1 Shall be divided -- The Roman empire passed through the course foretold--first united, then divided. R662:3* Strength of the iron -- The iron, or civil power, is usually the most prominent. Q96:T Iron mixed with miry clay -- Religious and civil power mixed--an imitation of stone which is the symbol of the true Kingdom of God. A254; Q81:1; R5673:5 Daniel 2:42 As the toes -- These ten divisions of the Roman empire now exist as France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, England, Spain, Portugal, Lombardy, Romania and Ravenna. HG12:6 Daniel 2:43 Thou sawest iron -- Civil power. A254 Mixed with miry clay -- Ecclesiastical power. Q96:T, A254 The gloss of nominal Christianity covering the civil power, outwardly resembling Christ's Kingdom. R5564:5; Q81:1 Mingle themselves -- Blend together in confusion, Babylon. A254 Shall not cleave -- Not thoroughly amalgamate. A254 When the miry clay becomes dry and "brittle" it loses its adhesive power. The iron and clay now shows signs of dissolution and will quickly crumble when smitten by the "stone," the true Kingdom. A254 Daniel 2:44 In the days -- From 1874 to 1914 AD. C128 While they still have power. A262; B99, B170; R5631:5 Now the Day of the Lord has come. Earth's rightful King takes his great power and begins his reign while yet the powers of darkness hold their places. R1161:3 Of these kings -- The last of the Gentile powers, the so-called Christian kingdoms of Christendom, represented in the toes of the image. A262, A254; D623; OV340:6 "Kingdoms of this world," (Matt. 4:8) Gentile kingdoms, permitted to hold sway until the time of Messiah's Kingdom-- and no longer. R4799:3 So also Babylon existed before it conquered Jerusalem and Medo-Persia before it conquered Babylon. All kingdoms must first exist and receive superior power before they could conquer others. B99; HG75:3 The ten powers, representative of the Roman empire, before they are destroyed in the "Day of the Lord." R112:6, R798:4, R82:2 Whether the strife will extend beyond the boundaries of Roman rule we do not know. CR494:6 Shall the God of heaven -- Not by poor human efforts. R658:5, R414:5 It is Jehovah's work to set up Christ's dominion. "I will give thee the Gentiles for thine inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession." (Psa. 2:8) A309 Set up -- To exalt his Church. C115 Gradually establish in power and authority. A262; R2375:1, R5181:2 The first step in the setting up of this Kingdom was the raising of the sleeping saints in 1878. R5631:5 The Church is the Kingdom now only in the prospective sense that a babe is a man. When we are glorified with our Head, that will be our exaltation, the heavenly Kingdom "set up." R397:4 In the full sense when The Christ is complete, every member glorified. R5193:1; B77 The inauguration of Messiah's Kingdom in the world. R5328:2, R5181:2 It is set up before the kingdoms of earth fall. R60:5* Earth's rightful King begins his reign while yet the powers of darkness hold their places. R1161:3 The setting up of this Kingdom will mean, of course, the overthrow of all the kingdoms of this earth. R307:5 The two cannot long stand together. R1161:3 Our setting up must be before the plaques which are represented as destroying earthly kingdoms. R112:6 A kingdom -- Present representatively throughout the Gospel age, unrecognized by the world. D623; R397:4 This is a prophecy of restitution, because any prophecy of the Kingdom of Christ and his saints is a prophecy of restitution. HG336:3 It shall have no successors, for the others will all be destroyed. R2976:6 The Kingdom for which our redeemer himself taught us to pray. R1776:5, R2724:4, R2976:5; D429 Established on the principles of justice and equity, based upon the golden law of love to God and men. R420:5, R166:6 When the Day of the Lord is fully under way, all the tribes of earth shall mourn because of him (Matt. 24:30) who is now assuming control. R748:4 Never be destroyed -- Unlike the changing Gentile kingdoms represented in the image. D623 The righteous King shall take possession of earth's governments. R2724:4 Not be left to other people -- As the power of the image shifted from one people to another. D623 It shall have no successors, for the others will all be destroyed. R2976:6 But it -- The Lord's Kingdom, which is even now engaged in the shaking and overturning work. B170 Our Lord assured his faithful that, at the time of the establishment of his Kingdom and the overthrow of Gentile power, the overcoming Church would be with him and have a share in that work. D624; CR493:5 Break in pieces -- "As the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers." (Rev. 2:27) A256; D429; R507:3, R2691:6 When the Kingdoms would be given to "the people of the saints of the Most High," they were to "smite them in pieces as a potter's vessel" This intimates that in some sense the Lord will take possession before they have been completely overthrown. R5631:5, R3293:4 Utter destruction in a great time of trouble. R2375:1, R2338:5, R5328:2; A255 Not by bloodless revolution of the ballot box, but by a "time of trouble." (Dan. 12:1) R1563:6 The intimation is that the catastrophe coming upon our civilization will be a sudden one. The Scriptures do not say that the trouble will come in an hour, or in one day, or in one year. R5328:2 The great ones of earth will not voluntarily resign their power and offices but will have to be driven off their thrones. The saints, however, fight not with carnal weapons and will have nothing to do with this driving. R1156:1 Thus by "breaking in pieces" --throwing down--"the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ," and "he shall reign forever." (Rev. 11:15) R409:3 The "kingdoms of this world," even while being crushed by the Kingdom of God, will be quite ignorant of the real cause of their downfall. C129 At the time of the establishment of the Kingdom and the overthrow of Gentile power, the overcoming Church would be with him and have a share in that work. D623 The grand blessings of restitution are already begun in this trouble, which is a blessing in disguise, breaking in pieces and removing the present governments and systems represented in Nebuchadnezzar's image. R852:1 And consume -- Jezebel shall be "eaten by dogs" --the nominal church will be cast down and consumed. R235:5 All these kingdoms -- Not people. R419:6 The nations of Europe and America. R2691:5 Surely every one which formed part of the old Roman empire. Whether the strife will extend beyond the boundaries of the Roman rule, whether it will involve America, we do not know. CR494:6; R5854,1 No nation on earth can now be said to have God's special fatherly providence over it. R1561:6 Present governments are pictured as beastly, and God's saints should rejoice in the promise of their overthrow. R1563:6 Therefore we can neither labor nor pray for the perpetuation of the governments of this world. R798:4 Shall stand for ever -- The next, fifth, universal empire, under Messiah. R2976:6, R2145:1; A260 The world needs a "strong government" to hold it in check and bring blessings and happiness to every creature. R2145:1 The kingdoms of this world, being all overthrown, will be re-established on principles of justice and equity, based upon the golden law of love to God and man. R420:5 Daniel 2:45 That the stone -- Representing the true Church, the Kingdom of God. A255; R2375:1, R5564:5, R1408:2; OV82:3; PD49/61 At first, insignificant in size and seeming powerless to the world. R5575:3 God's Kingdom will not remain small, but will gradually expand until it shall fill the whole earth. R2375:1, R5575:2; SM417:2 Was cut out -- Carved and shaped for its future position and greatness. A255 Of the mountain -- Mountains, kingdoms of the earth. R654:5 Without hands -- Not by human hands, but by the power of the truth. A255; R5673:5 Supernaturally; quarried out of the "earth" by the Lord. OV341:T, R5575:3 And that it -- When complete, when entirely cut out, it will smite and destroy the kingdoms of this world. A255 Brake in pieces -- Smite the image and grind it to powder. This smiting is near at hand. R5673:5 The smiting will come from the Church in Kingdom glory, backed by divine power. R5716:4 Messiah, Head and Body, shall overrule so that the nations of earth shall be broken to shivers. R3293:5, R5631:5 The present terrible war (1914) is not the great time of trouble in the fullest sense of the word, but merely the forerunner. The great time of trouble will be brought on by anarchy. R5526:3 The dream is certain -- The stone is rolling; the hill is steepening; the impetus becomes terrible very soon, and 20 years will amply suffice to destroy old things and fit the earth for the new. R1705:3* Daniel 2:48 Over all the wise men -- The expectations of the Magi (Matt. 2:1-12) may have arisen from Daniel's prophecies and the calculations by which he pointed to the time of Messiah's advent. R1674:6 Daniel 3 Daniel 3:1 Nebuchadnezzar -- The representative lord of earth. B96 Recognized not only as civil, but also as religious ruler. R2494:6 Representing the Papacy. R2495:6 Made an image -- Having just won some great victories over the surrounding nations of Egypt, Syria, etc. R2494:2 Pride overbalancing his judgment. PD51/62 Of Bel-Merodach, the god Nebuchadnezzar believed had given him his victories. R4874:1 To impress all nations with the greatness and magnificence of the Babylonian power and of the futility of resisting it. R4874:1 Symbolizing the coming Protestant Confederation, cooperating with the Papacy. D581; R2495:6 The Roman Catholic church is an idol, as are the Greek Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc. -- all similarly demanding worship, obedience and revenue. R2496:1 The first step in the formation of the symbolic image of Papacy is the organization of the Evangelical Alliance; the second step is an active living cooperation of Protestants as one system. R2495:6 The great Evangelical Alliance of so-called Protestant denominations; the likeness to the "Beast" consisting of its doctrines and general policy. R1409:4 There are idols just as potent today--the various creeds of Christendom which men have set to intercept the worship of the true and living God. R1408:6 The religious unity of the empire was to be demonstrated b a general worship of the golden image. R4874:2, R2494:3, R4873:6 Ninety feet high and nine feet wide. R2494:3, R4874:2 Worship of the symbolic beast and his image is to be a great test or trial upon professing Christians in the end of this age. R2495:6 Of gold -- Not necessarily of solid gold. Herodotus mentions a smaller statue at Babylon of solid gold, weighing 43,000 pounds. R4874:5 Set it up -- Today various idols are set up all over Christendom. R2495:5 The plain of Dura -- Probably in the center of the city of Babylon. R2494:3 Daniel 3:2 Sent to gather -- Benevolence, as well as wisdom, was at the foundation of Nebuchadnezzar's scheme. R4874:1 Considering the theory of the Jews to bless all the families of the earth a wise one, and himself the opportune person to carry it out. R4874:1 Daniel 3:3 Of the provinces -- The provinces of Babylon today are the various civilized nations--deluded into calling themselves kingdoms of Christ, "Christendom." R2495:5 Daniel 3:5 Golden Image -- Which represented Nebuchadnezzar in that it represented his god. R4874:2 Having one religion might help to cement the various incongruous elements of his kingdom. R4874:1 Daniel 3:6 Falleth not down -- Those who will not bow are overcomers. R2495:6, R323:6 The time is fast approaching when the religious liberty we now enjoy will be greatly restricted and the work of disseminating truth interfered with by combined civil and ecclesiastical power. R1409:1 The worship of the symbolic beast and his image are to be the great test or trial upon professing Christians in every province of symbolic Babylon in the end of this age. R2495:6 Fiery furnace -- Symbolizing the time of trouble. B162; C146 Daniel 3:7 The golden image -- Representing Nebuchadnezzar in that it represented his god. R4874:2 Daniel 3:8 Certain Chaldeans -- No doubt the three Hebrews, like all good men, had their enemies. R2494:6 Daniel 3:12 Certain Jews -- Daniel is not mentioned here, possibly because he was one of the king's personal staff and household. R2494:6 Just where Daniel was at this time we do not know. R4873:3 Have not regarded -- Had defied the king's power. R4874:3 Daniel 3:13 Rage and fury -- Disappointed at the only in harmony that had occurred with his great project. R4874:5 At the three whom the king had so graciously treated at the time of their captivity, and who apparently owed so much to him. How ungrateful and traitorous they appeared. R4874:6 When we read that King Nebuchadnezzar became furious we should sympathetically remember the circumstances. R4874:5 Daniel 3:14 Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego -- Daniel is omitted, possibly because, as a member of the king's personal staff, his conduct would not come so directly in contrast with the general conduct. R2494:6 Just where Daniel was we do not know, but his three companions were governors of Babylonian provinces. R4873:3 It was a crucial test for them, for they knew that to cross the king's will meant death. R2494:6 Worship the golden Image -- All, including Israel, were commanded to worship the idol. R1408:2 Daniel 3:15 If ye be ready -- He would give these headstrong governors a further chance for their lives. R4874:4 Cornet, flute, harp -- Picturing the enchanting music of the hour. R323:6 Ye fall down -- Thus indicate their loyalty to the king and to his gods. R2494:5 If ye worship not -- A treasonable offence punishable with death. R1408:2 Fiery furnace -- Perhaps the one used in melting the gold for the image of immense size. R2495:3 Representing fiery trials--social ostracism and financial boycotts. R2496:1 If New Creatures be called upon to go through a furnace of affliction, God will be with them that they shall not be hurt, but blest. R1409:5 Who is that God -- In his arrogance of mind he felt prepared to contest even the unseen and unknown invisible powers. R2495:1 Daniel 3:16 Answered -- In their faithfulness to God, these three men preferred a dreadful death. R1408:2 In modern times the killing is not necessarily physical, but in a social sense--cutting off of influence, name, etc. R1409:4 Not careful to answer -- Not anxious to argue the matter with the king. R2495:2 Daniel 3:17 If it be so -- We are not able to know what may be God's will respecting the remainder of our lives. R4874:4 Whom we serve -- Not merely worship. R2497:1 Let us resolve to neither worship nor serve sectarianism nor mammon, but only the Lord our God. R2497:4 God's children today should refuse to bow down to the image of war. Q731:4; R5755:5 Fiery furnace -- Of tribulation; in their families, communities or businesses. R323:6 He will deliver us -- If not a present deliverance, then a still more glorious deliverance and reward in the future. R1409:6 Daniel 3:18 But if not -- If he does not choose to deliver us, that will not alter our course. R5755:5 We must not expect God to deliver us in every case. R4874:4 There are two ways of escape--by avoidance of the trouble or being kept from its poignancy by "grace sufficient" --out of the furnace of affliction, or in the furnace heated seven times. R2975:5 While the Lord delivered the three Hebrews, he did not prevent the beheading of John; while Peter was delivered, James was not; while Paul's life was preserved, the Apostle John was cast into a caldron of boiling oil. R2496:3 To be loyal and true to God in these days requires as much courage and true heroism as was necessary in the days of gross idolatry. R1408:6 There are trials before the Lord's people today that are fully as severe. R2495:5 Not serve thy gods -- Various creeds of Christendom and traditions of men. R1408:6 God's children should refuse to bow down to the image of war. Q731:4 We must neither worship nor serve sectarianism, nor mammon, nor fame, nor friends, nor self. R2497:4 Daniel 3:19 Full of fury -- He had conquered the world. Would he now be defied by these three men? R4874:5, R2495:1 Visage was changed -- From admiration to hate. R2495:2 Heat the furnace -- Naphtha may have been the fuel used in the great open furnace. R4874:5 Seven times more -- To its utmost capacity. R2495:3; PD51/62 Forgetting that thereby the sufferings of those cast therein would be diminished. R4874:5 The Lord will keep his own--whether out of the furnace of affliction, or in it, heated seven times. R2975:5 Daniel 3:20 Most mighty men -- Prominent officers, to demonstrate the power of his army. R2495:3 Daniel 3:21 In their coats -- In their official garb. R2495:3 Cast into the midst -- So here, those who do not worship the image are speedily in a "fiery furnace" of tribulation. R323:6 Daniel 3:22 The flame of the fire -- A Jewish legend tells that the fire streamed out 75 feet, perhaps driven by a gust of wind or perhaps occasioned by the throwing in of additional fuel. R4874:5 Slew those men -- Possibly by the inhalation of the flames. R2495:3 Daniel 3:24 Three men -- In Dan. 6:7 Daniel alone refused to worship any but the true God; here the three "Israelites indeed" refused to worship the image. So the number who are not worshiping the image now are probably three to one over those who did not worship the beast. R323:6 Daniel 3:25 Loose -- Sometimes the fires of persecution merely burn the cords that bind the Lord's people and give them larger opportunities to serve the truth than they could otherwise have. R2496:3 They have no hurt -- The Lord may possibly allow his saints to go through much of the time of trouble, but render them fireproof in the midst of it, because the Son of God is with them. B162 Form of the fourth -- Of the most remarkable appearance, causing the kin to speak of him as one of the gods. R4874:6, R2495:3 The Son of God -- The Head--the True Head--is with those who will not bow when all others bow. R323:6 The faithful ones pass through trying experiences with fortitude, having endured as seeing him who is invisible. (Heb. 11:27) R4784:4 New Creatures, going through a furnace of affliction, shall be blest by the Master's presence and communion. R1409:5, R2496:2 Daniel 3:26 Ye servants of...God -- The king realized that he had made a great mistake and defied the great God. R2495:4 Daniel 3:27 Fire had no power -- Satan imitates this exercise of divine power among Indian medicine men. R2174:2 The fire in the end of this age "shall try every man's work of what sort it is," (1 Cor. 3:13) consuming all but the genuine faith and character structures. R2496:4 Daniel 3:29 Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego -- The king rejoiced in the noble characters of these men. R2496:5 He promoted them to still higher positions. R2495:5 So with Christians. Having demonstrated their fidelity to God to this extent, their trials and troubles are turned into blessings and joys. R2496:2 No other God -- A simple and beautiful acknowledgment of the God of the Hebrews. R2495:4 Sometimes even the worldly, seeing the Lord's people in the furnace of affliction receiving a blessing, thus glorify our Heavenly Father's name. R2496:3 While idolatry had been one of the chief sins of the Israelites before the captivity, they had little idolatry in its crude form afterward. R2495:4 Daniel 3:30 The king promoted -- To still higher positions, for they had still more of his confidence respecting their integrity. R2495:5 Daniel 4 Daniel 4:10 Visions of mine head -- "None of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand." (Dan. 12:10) R598:3 Behold a tree -- The first dominion of earth. B94 Daniel 4:14 Hew down the tree -- In death. B94 The beasts get away -- The lower creation no more found shelter and blessing under man's influence. B94 Daniel 4:15 Stump of his roots -- God's purpose and plan of restitution. B94 A band of iron -- That it should not sprout until the appointed time. B94 And let it -- The figure changes from a tree to a degraded man. B95 Daniel 4:16 Heart be changed -- Man's heart has become beastly and degraded through the fall. B95 So history seems to show that during the period of Gentile dominion the poor world has been in a measure insane, putting light for darkness and darkness for light. CR44:6 Let seven times -- In the Bible a "time" is used in the sense of a year. A symbolic year as used in prophecy is reckoned on the basis of a lunar year--12 months of 30 days each, or 360 days--each day representing a year. B89; CRI40:2 The final and conclusive punishment visited upon the Jews, the "Times of the Gentiles." Seven symbolic times would be 2520 years, beginning with the 70 years of desolation of the land in 606 BC and ending in 1914 AD. B91, B97 A "prophetic year" of 360 days, used to symbolize 360 years, is an arbitrary arrangement peculiar to its intended symbolic use. It is neither a lunar year of 354 1/3 days nor a solar year of 365 1/4 days. A prophetic year, or time, would mean 360 actual, or solar years, of the common reckoning. R1979:6 Repeated four times (verses 16, 23, 25, 32) as in Lev. 26 (verses 18, 21, 24, 28). HG49:3 When perfect man lost his ability and right to reign. it was taken away and given to the Adversary whose reign of terror and death lasted 6000 years--but limited by the Almighty as to time and power. R196:4 Daniel 4:17 Most High ruleth -- Exercises a supervisory oversight. Q502:1 God's government is general over all his works. R196:4 The Lord guides in the affairs of nations now, only so far as will promote the fulfilment of his own purposes. R5466:5: Q501:7 A hindering or restraining power. Q502:3; R5466:6 Kingdom of men -- Not that he authorized them to represent him. Q502:1; R5466:6 Whomsoever he will -- God used King Cyrus to perform his bidding. Q501:5; R5466:3 Setteth up -- Whoever sat on the throne of Israel was there as the Lord's representative. R5466:3; Q501:4 Basest of men -- He brings to power those who will have the disposition to do what he purposes when his due time has arrived. R5467:1 For example, Pharaoh, the perverse king of Egypt. Q501:5; R5466:3 Daniel 4:22 It is thou, O king -- Nebuchadnezzar, typifying the original dominion given to Adam: "Thou art this head of gold." (Dan. 2:38) B96 Daniel 4:23 With the beasts -- Typical of human degradation under beastly governments. B96 Till seven times -- Typifying the Times of the Gentiles. B95, B97; R2498:1 Daniel 4:25 Seven times -- This, being a type, covers only seven literal years. R109:5* During Gentile domination of 2520 years the poor world has been in a measure insane. CR44:6 Daniel 4:26 Leave the stump -- The root of promise and hope, planted first in Eden and borne across the flood and transplanted with Israel, will sprout and bloom again. B98 That there might be a restitution of the kingdom. HG49:2 The heavens do rule -- The kingdom of earth is sure to man after he has learned that the heavens do rule. R196:4 Daniel 4:28 This came upon the king -- We understand that God's dealing with King Nebuchadnezzar was prophetic. R5466:3 Daniel 4:30 Great Babylon -- 14 miles square surrounded by walls 350 feet high (300 feet--R2497:3) and 80 feet broad. having 100 gates; the largest and strongest fortress in the world at that time; it was the center of commerce, art and wisdom. R2497:3, R3632:3, R4901:6 Daniel 4:32 Seven times -- The "Times of the Gentiles." B95, B97; R109:5*; CR44:6; HG49:5 Shall pass -- Although the Gentile times do expire, it may be that the Lord will not immediately dispossess them. R5449:4 Whomsoever he will -- He might have given the Kingdom to Jesus without redeeming man at all had he seen good to do so. A274 Daniel 4:33 Nebuchadnezzar -- His period of bestial degradation represents the madness upon the world. R3361:2 Daniel 4:34 The end of the days -- Typically. Antitypically, the end of the Times of the Gentiles. B97 Understanding returned -- So at the end of the Gentile times, after 1915 AD, reason will begin to come back to the prodigal son (Israel). R3361:3 Already we begin to see reason returning to mankind; men are awakening to some sense of their degradation, and are on the lookout to improve their condition. B98 Typifying the restitution of earth's dominion. B97 After the close of the Gentile times humanity will regain its sanity and praise the God of heaven. CR44:6 Daniel 4:37 Praise and extol -- Nebuchadnezzar and other nations, even those in idolatry, reverenced Jehovah, the God of Israel. R2541:3 Daniel 5 Daniel 5:1 Belshazzar the king -- Identified with the Nabonidus of secular history whose name appears on ancient tablets. R2497:2 The grandson of Nebuchadnezzar. R3632:3 His name has the same signification as that given to Daniel, Belteshazzar, both signifying "Favored of God." R2497:2 Under whose reign came the collapse which pride, fulness of bread and abundance of idleness always insure and hasten. D24 Made a great feast -- A boast in the greatness of Babylon. R2497:5 To renew memories of their great victories of the past. R4901:6 Corresponding to the great denominational union expected soon. R2498:6; HG521:4 Daniel 5:2 The golden -- Representing the precious truths of God's Word: also, the Little Flock. R2498:6; C96; HG521:4 And silver vessels -- Representing the Great Company. R2498:6. R4079:4*; HG521:4 These were profaned by drinking therefrom to the honor of Bel, the god of Babylon. R2497:5 Gold and silver: Divine and natural truths or doctrines. R1483:6 Nebuchadnezzar had taken -- In the pillage of Solomon's Temple--a triumph over the Jews. R4901:6 Out of the temple -- Solomon's Temple. R4901:6 Might drink therein -- Typifying injuries and defilements yet to come. R2498:6 Corresponding in Mystic Babylon to a spirit of boastfulness, of pride, of intoxication with error, apparently drawn from the Divine Word. SM410:3 Daniel 5:3 Brought the golden vessels -- To renew memories of past victories over the Jews and supposedly over their God. R4901:6 Daniel 5:4 They drank wine -- So mystic Babylon is said to make all nations drunk with the wine, doctrine, which she gives them out of the golden cup which she holds in her hand. HG521:6 Praised the gods -- Drinking to Bel, the god of Babylon. R2497:5 Daniel 5:5 Wrote...upon...wall -- In letters of fire. R4902:1 A message from Jehovah announcing the end of Belshazzar's dominion as a just punishment for his sacrilege. R3633:2 Daniel 5:7 Scarlet -- Some in mystic Babylon, having received honors and robes, are inclined to hide the message now due to Babylon. R2497:6 Daniel 5:8 Nor make known -- Even if they had deciphered the letters and words, they had no interpretation to offer, because, from their standpoint, the true meaning would seem too far from the truth. R2497:5 Daniel 5: 10 The queen -- The king's mother. R2497:5, R3633:1 Daniel 5:13 Daniel -- At this time about 90 years of age. R3632:3, R2497:5 Daniel 5:16 A chain of gold -- As an insignia of rank. R2497:6 Daniel 5:17 Gifts be to thyself -- Had Daniel accepted them he would have felt obligated to the king to such an extent that it might have warped his judgment or weakened his expression of the Lord's message. R2497:6 Rewards to another -- Daniel renounced all claim to these gifts as a reward. R2497:6, R3633:2 Those who would be mouthpieces of the Lord should serve without stipulation of compensation. R2497:6 Thus many of the Lord's true servants in mystic Babylon are hindered by having received robes and honors and are inclined to hide or cover the message now due. They are bound by the chains of gold around their necks. R2497:6 The interpretation -- The secret evidently lay in the manner in which the letters were arranged, the characters themselves being Chaldaic. R4902:1 Daniel 5:18 O thou king -- The aged prophet displayed gentleness as well as fearlessness in the delivery of his message. R2498:1 God gave Nebuchadnezzar -- Though his father, Nabopolassar. is recorded by history as the founder of new Babylonia, the "Times of the Gentiles" could not begin while God's typical kingdom in Israel remained--until the days of Zedekiah. R2497:1 Daniel 5:21 Till he knew -- King Belshazzar, knowing this, should have humbled himself and been reverential toward Jehovah God. R3633:2 Daniel 5:23 Lifted up thyself -- Belshazzar boasted of his fortress and declared that the gods of Babylon were superior to all others. R3633:1 Vessels of his house -- To profane them in the worship and glorification of idols. R2498:1, R3633:1 Nations which have dealt unjustly with the Jews or have persecuted spiritual Israelites have been punished. R3633:5 In whose hand -- Power. R2498:1 Thy breath is -- The God of all life has full power to control your course. R2498:1 Daniel 5:24 The part of the hand -- The warning hand of divine providence. D42 Sent from him -- It was recognized as being of superhuman origin. R3633:1 Daniel 5:25 MENE, MENE -- Mene was repeated twice, probably for the sake of emphasis--Numbered! Numbered!--the limit of the time of your dominion has expired. R2498:2 TEKEL -- Short weight, lacking. R2498:2 The Babylonian kingdom had retrograded from the original type. R4902:1 Mystic Babylon falls for a similar reason. R2498:4; SM411:T, HG521:3 In this day of his presence our Lord is judging the nations and weighing them in the balance. R5989:1 At that very time Cyrus' army of retribution was investing the city. R3633:3 UPHARSIN -- Broken or crushed into pieces, destroyed. R2498:2; HG520:1 Similarly the hand of providence now foretells the impending doom of ecclesiasticism. D42, D76, D97; F592 A type of the fall of antitypical Babylon at the hands of the antitypical Cyrus, Christ. R4901:6 Daniel 5:26 Numbered -- The days of your rule have been numbered by God. SM411:T, HG713:4 Finished it -- The limit of the time of your dominion has expired. HG520:1 The spirit of the world has so fully taken possession of the ecclesiastical powers of Christendom that reformation of the systems is impossible and individuals can only escape by a prompt and timely withdrawal. D42 We should not look for light where little remains but the fading reflections of a former glory. R5993:6 Daniel 5:27 Thou art weighed -- God does actually balance and weigh the conduct of people. While grace is the basis of his dealing, it is dispensed according to certain principles. R3633:4 Judgment is being laid to the line and righteousness to the plummet. (Isa. 28:17) R5989:1 In the balances -- Both the heathen and the masses of Christendom take up the golden rule and the law of love wherewith to measure the doctrines, institutions, policy and general course of Christendom. D97 Found wanting -- Later Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome would be given a trial. Each of these has proven its insufficiency--its inability to bring the blessings of Messiah's reign. R4902:1 Daniel 5:28 PERES -- Of which Upharsin is the plural. Nothing in the word signifies Medes and Persians, but Daniel knew the prophecy and that they were already besieging the city. R2498:2 Daniel 5:29 Third ruler -- After the government was transferred to the hands of Cyrus, the honored Jew, Daniel, found in a position of trust, was made an officer in the new government of Medo-Persia. R3633:3 It is to Belshazzar's credit that he so honored Daniel. R3633:3, R2498:2 Daniel 5:30 In that night -- Thus did great Babylon fall suddenly--"in one hour." (Rev. 18:19) R2498:3 Soon--quickly--great Babylon will be cast as a mighty millstone into the sea. HG713:4 Slain -- So far from destroying all the rulers of Babylon, including Daniel, Darius apparently spared all but the king alive, and gave Daniel a very high position in the empire. R2501:1 Daniel 5:31 Darius the Median -- It would appear that Cyrus was in some respects the chief, yet that Darius was the representative of authority in Babylon for a time, and that upon his death Cyrus became sole emperor. R2509:3 He may have been Cyrus the Mede. R3638:3 Typifying The Christ in the time of trouble in the end of the Gospel age. R2498:4; HG520:6 Took the kingdom -- The River Euphrates flowed through the center of Babylon under enormous gates of brass. Cyrus diverted its waters and marched his troops under the gates into the city. R2498:2, R509:6*, R3632:6; PD51/62; SM410:3; HG520:2 As literal Babylon sat upon the literal River Euphrates, mystic Babylon is said to sit upon the waters, peoples. As the literal city was captured by the diversion of the waters, so symbolic Babylon will fall by the diversion of the symbolic Euphrates: "And the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared." (Rev. 16:12) R2498:4, R510:1*; HG520:5 "Without fighting," as the tablets declare. R2498:3 So complete was the destruction of that great city that even its site was forgotten and was for a long time uncertain. D25 The wonderful prophecies which speak of the fall of Babylon (Isa. 14:22; Jer. 50 & 51) were not wholly fulfilled by Cyrus the Persian. R2498:3 Daniel 6 Daniel 6:1 It pleased Darius -- Identified with the Cyrus of secular and Biblical history. R3638:3 Possibly Darius was merely an official title of Cyrus; or, Darius may have been vicegerent of Cyrus in Babylon. R3638:3 The whole kingdom -- The entire civilized world. R3638:6 Daniel 6:2 Daniel was first -- At this time Daniel was an old man. R4874:3 Honored as the most competent and trustworthy. R3639:1, R2502:1 God's dealings with spiritual Israel are different. Our rewards for faithfulness are spiritual; joint-heirship with our Lord in the heavenly Kingdom. R3633:5 Their desire to have such a man of high repute in authority seems to evidence good intentions in their governing of the world. R4875:1 Have no damage -- No doubt he stood in the way of many schemes for the plundering of the treasury. R2501:2, R4875:2 Daniel 6:3 Was preferred -- Because of his honesty and opposition to unjust practices. R3639:1, R4875:1 A compliment in recognition of his ability, indicating the king's breadth of mind. R4875:1 Daniel 6:4 Sought to find -- Envy and hatred are set down in the Word of God as works of the flesh and of the devil, antagonistic to everything that is good and right and approved of the Lord. R3639:3 Against Daniel -- He was sure to have a host of secret enemies. R2501:2; PD52/62 Because he interfered with their schemes of graft. R3639:2 "All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution, (2 Tim. 3:12) "Because ye are not of the world ... the world hateth you." (John 15:19) R2501:2 Could find none occasion -- Oh, that every Christian would live as high above the world's standards as did Daniel; that their enemies might have no grounds for charges except those to their credit. R4875:5 Nor fault -- Nothing that they could bring against him as a real charge or crime. R3639:2 Daniel 6:5 Law of his God -- They knew that Daniel's religion lay at the foundation of his entire course in life. R4875:2 Not finding any wrong doing in Daniel, they concluded to entrap him in his well-doing. R3639:5 Daniel 6:6 King Darius -- He, like every other man, was approachable through flattery. R4875:2, R3639:5 Daniel 6:7 A firm decree -- The king was supposed to be possessed by Ormuzd, the deity of the empire, so his decrees were considered infallible and inviolable even by himself. R2501:4, R3640:4 Suggested as a piece of statecraft, it was a fraud upon the people. R2501:4 Save of thee -- The kings of ancient times posed as chief priests and vicegerents of their gods. R3639:5, R4875:2 The claim was that such a recognition would elevate the dignity of the throne in the minds of the people. R4875:2 Had the decree been different, Daniel's course might have been different. If it had banned public worship, he might consistently have worshipped in private. R3640:2 Similarly, the popes of Rome claim to be the vicegerents of Christ. R3639:5 Flattery and vanity have often been the tools of the Adversary for the injury of the Lord's people and cause. R3639:5 The false reasoning was of the Jezuitical sort, that an evil or falsehood is justified if beneficial results are hoped for. R2501:4 Every leader in the family of God should be on guard against accepting to himself any credit due to God for the truth or some ability in presenting it to others. R3639:6 Daniel 6:10 Daniel knew -- He understood that the purpose of it was to entrap him. R3640:2 That if God would not deliver him now he would, in his own good time and way, grant him a still more glorious deliverance. R1409:6 In his chamber -- An upper chamber for quiet, rest and prayer, reached usually by an outside staircase. R3640:1 Toward Jerusalem -- The typical city of God and its Temple. R2501:6 Calling to mind the gracious promises respecting the Holy Land, that it would yet be the center of the whole earth and of God's holy people. R4875:4 Because Daniel remembered the promise of Israel's return to Jerusalem after 70 years of desolation. R3640:1, R2501:5 He kneeled -- Unwilling to assume a less humble position before God than he and others assumed toward earthly kings. R2501:6 It is impossible for a Christian to maintain a proper walk in life without regularity in prayer -- we are almost inclined to say, without kneeling in prayer. R2501:6, R3640:2, R4875:4 Upon his knees -- Daniel was not satisfied merely to close his eyes in prayer after he had retired to rest. He was not ashamed to bow the knee to the Almighty. R2501:6 Daniel's private worship in so public a manner may have been because to have worshipped in secret might be misunderstood to mean he did not worship at all. R2501:5 The Lord commended differently to the household of faith: "When thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut the door, pray to thy Father which is in secret." (Matt. 6:6) R2501:5 Three times a day -- The child of God will desire to commune with his Creator as surely as he will desire natural food and drink for the sustenance of his natural body. R2502:1 And prayed -- He would not sell his conscience and deny his God; he would not pretend he was praying to Darius. R3640:2 We should be extremely careful about compromising conscience. R3640:2 Without communion with his Maker, his faith and his loyalty to principle could not be maintained in the midst of corruption. R4875:4 It is impossible to live a consecrated life in neglect of prayer. R4875:4 As the sharpening of scythes in harvest time does not mean lost time or energy, so also time spent in prayer is not lost as respects the affairs of life. R4875:4 The thought of praying in solitude, however, does not interfere with the thought of family prayers or prayers in the church, which is the Lord's family circle. R3640:3 Daniel 6:14 Then the king -- His eyes were opened and he beheld the trap. R3640:4, R4875:5, R2502:2 Displeased -- He was ashamed of the part which he felt compelled to take. R4875:5 With himself -- These words are lacking from some of the reliable manuscripts, making the displeasure all the broader to include the counsellors. R3640:4 Daniel 6:15 May be changed -- A veiled threat of insurrection. R2502:2 Daniel 6:16 Brought Daniel -- A man whose faithfulness to the Lord and to principle was so strong in faith that he could go to the lion's den without fear. R3640:6 Much more, why should we, if faithful and with still greater light, fear and quake under such circumstances? R3640:6 Into the den -- Probably a lion pit surrounded by high walls. R3640:5 Servest continually -- Every Christian life should testify to his own character and faithfulness, and of the God whom he worships. R2502:2 Daniel 6:17 A stone -- Used for a door, sealed with thongs, the knots of which were sealed with the king's signet. R4875:5 Probably fastened to its place with an iron bar. R2502:3 Of his lords -- Who were amongst the conspirators--to prove that it was not tampered with. R2502:3 Daniel 6:19 And went in haste -- It is good to realize that our worldly friends are watching us to see to what extent our God delivers us from the difficulties and trials of life's pathway. R3641:2 Daniel 6:20 God, whom thou servest -- The king properly associated Daniel's faithful service to God with his hope respecting God's faithfulness to Daniel. R2502:3 Able to deliver -- At present, some who are not of the consecrated have considerable faith in God and in us as his children. R3641:2 Daniel 6:22 Sent his angel -- His providences. R2502:5 Any power or agency which God might employ. R2502:4, R3641:3 "The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him and delivereth them." (Psa. 34:7) R3641:3 The lions' mouths -- Restrained from doing violence to Daniel. R2502:4, R3641:3 Lions great and small, picturing tests that come to us, threaten the Lord's people in the present time; but, as illustrated by Bunyan, they are chained and go only so far, leaving room to pass between. R3641:1 It is possible for human mouths to do us more harm than the mouths of wild beasts. R2502:5 God is not less able to send his providences to prevent injury to his people now. R2502:6 "No lion shall be there." (Isa. 35:9) R3641:1 Have not hurt me -- "Nothing shall hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain." (Isa. 11:9) R3641:1 Was found in me -- Haughtiness and bravado are wholly lacking in the prophet's announcement of the great favor of God on his behalf. R2502:4 The Lord's people are not to boast of results, but to give the glory to God. R2502:4 And also before thee -- A conscience "void of offence toward God and man." (Acts 24:16) R3641:4 Daniel 6:23 No manner of hurt -- Because of his faith and loyalty to God, Daniel was delivered. R1409:2 It may please the Father to deliver us as he did Daniel, or he may overrule otherwise as in Stephen's case; but always He overrules to bless. R2502:6, R3641:3 Daniel 6:24 Into the den -- Making a test as to which were worthy in the sight of the Lord. R3641:5 Josephus adds, from tradition, that the conspirators claimed the lions had been previously fed and that the king demonstrated the matter by having the lions liberally fed before throwing them into the den where they were speedily devoured. R2503:1 It is not for us to think of having our enemies devoured, nor to rejoice over their fall. R3641:5 Those who dig pits for others are likely to fall therein themselves. R2503:4 Daniel 6:25 Darius wrote -- Declaring his reverence for Jehovah, the God of Daniel. R2541:3 Daniel 6:28 The reign of Darius -- It would appear that Cyrus was in some respects the chief, yet that Darius was the representative of the authority in Babylon for a time, and that upon his death Cyrus became sole emperor. R2509:3 Cyrus -- As Cyrus, a type of Christ, overthrew Babylon, so a part of the work of the second advent will be the overthrow of antitypical Babylon. R5092:3, R2498:4 Daniel 7 Daniel 7:2 My vision -- Containing a great political chart of the world's history. R662:1* Such visions are sometimes counterfeited by Satan and made to seem ordinary by cataleptic sleeps and hypnotic trances. R2033:2 Four winds -- The great time of trouble, also pictured as a tidal wave, a whirlwind and a great fire. R5863:6; D528 Of the heaven -- The higher, or ruling, powers. R318:3 Upon the great sea -- The restless masses of mankind. A318 Daniel 7:3 Four great beasts -- Representing the Gentile governments as ferocious, destructive, beastly and selfish, from the standpoint of the Lord and his people. A261; R166:2; PD50/61 Beastly because the base of action for every carnal man is pure self-interest. R1189:3 Indeed beastly. How perfectly they represent, in their evil and death-dealing power, their master, the devil. R419:6 The sea -- The masses of mankind, not under religious restraint. R318:3; A318 Daniel 7:4 First was like a lion -- Babylon. R318:3; A257; Dvi; OV270:6 The earth -- The people, under or obedient to the ruling powers. R318:3 Daniel 7:5 Second, like to a bear -- Medo-Persia. R318:3; A257; Dvi; OV270:6 Three ribs Three kingdoms it subdued. HG48:4 Daniel 7:6 Like a leopard -- Greece. R318:3; A257, Dvi; OV270:6 Four wings -- Representing the rapidity of the movements under Alexander the Great. HG48:4 Alexander's kingdom was divided by his four generals-- Seleucus, Philopater, Antiochus Epiphanes and Ptolemaus Philomater--and broken into fragments. C27, C28 Daniel 7:7 A fourth beast -- The Roman empire. A257; C76; Dvi; OV270:6 No descriptive name given, because it was so ferocious and hideous that none of the beasts of the earth could be compared with it. A258 The same as the dragon of Rev 13:1, 2. R318:3, R420:1 Stamped the residue -- Nothing could withstand its power. OV83:6 It had ten horns -- The ten divisions of the Roman empire. A258 Kingdoms. R318:5, R3359:4* Babylon is represented as being divided into ten different wards, each of which represents one of the kingdoms of Christendom, and which corresponds to the ten horns of the symbolic beast. Compare Rev. 11: & Dan. 7:7. SM405:4 Corresponding to the ten toes of the image of Dan. 2. PD50/61; OV83:7; HG20:4; R3359:4* Daniel 7:8 There came up -- In 539 AD. C76, C95 Another little horn -- The Abomination of Desolation, the Papacy (Matt. 24:15); that Wicked One (2 Thess. 2:8); the Man of Sin (2 Thess. 2:3); the Mystery of Iniquity (2 Thess. 2:7); the Antichrist (1 John 2:18); the Son of Perdition (2 Thess. 2:3); the Beast (Rev. 13:1). A258; B271, B272, B277; C64, C76, C95 Papacy, the Leopard Beast of Rev. 13, containing certain qualities resembling the first three beasts combining certain leading characteristics of the preceding empires, uniting them in the power of the last. R318:3 Representing ecclesiastical power enthroned amid political power. PD50/61 Before whom -- In 476, 489 and 539 AD, respectively. C76, C77, C95 There were three -- The Western empire, the Heruli and the Ostrogoths. (The Western empire was an exarchate of the Eastern empire.) A258; C76, C77 Lombardy, Romania and Ravenna--since then the church element has worn the three-crowned hat. HG65:3 Of the first horns -- Powers. C76 Plucked up -- The Western empire by the Heruli, the Heruli by the Ostrogoths and the Ostrogoths by Justinian on behalf of the Papacy, which actually held the city and suburbs of Rome continuously from AD 539. C76-C79 Were eyes -- Representing intelligence and a farsighted policy. A258; B305 And a mouth -- Representing Papal utterances and claims. A258; R1732:5 Claiming to be the vicar of Christ. He assumed to speak as the mouthpiece of God. R388:3* The power of the Papacy has been that of its mouth, guided by its knowledge. B305 "And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things ... and he opened his mouth in blasphemy." (Rev. 13:5, 6) "And he shall speak great words against the Most High." (Dan. 7:25) B305 Speaking great things -- But not saying whether they are great truths or great untruths. In Revelation also, Papacy is described and its language quoted without adverse criticism. R1732:5 Illustrated by the boastful words of Pope Martin V. HG269:6 Making boastful claims. It should not surprise us that God should ordain, as part of its reward, that it should eat its own words. R509:6 Daniel 7:9 Till the thrones -- Governments, rulerships. A92 Were cast down -- The thrones of earth will be cast down and the dominion transferred to the great Prophet and Judge. R893:2, R2609:1 Head like the pure wool -- Suggestive and symbolic of venerableness, of knowledge, experience, wisdom. R2826:4 Daniel 7:10 A fiery stream issued -- Symbolic of severe judgments--a time of trouble. C302; R668:5 During the time when rich men weep and howl (Jas. 5:1-3; Zeph. 1:18); when the nations are angry (Rev. 11:18); when the stone smites the feet of the image (Dan. 2:34); when the kings of the earth make war with the lamb (Rev. 19:11-21). R668:5 Thousand thousands -- Not only of his saints, but of numerous other agents and agencies. C302 Times ten thousand -- AU mankind. C302 Judgment was set -- It has already begun upon the institutions of nominal Christendom and will spread to all the nations, living and dead. C302 And the books -- Of the divine revelation. C302 Were opened -- Made plain as never before. C302 Daniel 7:11 I beheld then -- After the decree against the Papacy; after its judgment had begun; after its dominion was gone and it was powerless longer to crush the Truth and power of the holy people. C68; A260; HG93:6 Of the great words -- "There was given unto him a mouth speaking great things." (Rev. 13:5) B305 Illustrated by the claim of infallibility, made in 1870. A259 Which the horn -- Papacy. C64, C76, C95 I beheld even -- That it got no power over the holy saints, but it did have another effect. C68 Till the beast -- The remnants of governments in the old Roman empire, represented by its horns. C68; A259 Was slain -- By the rising of the masses. A259 As a result of the misleading influence of Papacy's continued bombastic utterances, even after its dominion is gone. C68 Signifies the overturn of the civil and religious systems of our day. OV83:8 His body destroyed -- Their organizations as governments. OV83:8 Although the nations shall never rise up again, yet the people who compose the nations shall come forth from the grave to be blessed by God's kings and priests. R2338:5 The burning flame -- To general anarchy. C68 Utter destruction. R2338:5; A260 The fourth beast will lose dominion and life at once. A260 Daniel 7:12 Rest of the beasts -- Babylon, Persia and Greece. A260 Their dominion -- Universal dominion of earth. A260 Their lives were prolonged -- Sir Isaac Newton observed: "All the four beasts are still alive, though the dominion of the first three be taken away." HG74:2 A season and time -- Their lives as nations did not cease immediately. A260 Not so with the Roman empire, the fourth and last. A260 It will lose dominion and life at once, with all the others. A260 Daniel 7:13 The Son of man -- Greek: the Son of the man (Adam). E150, E153 The seed of Adam, through Eve. E152 Does not imply that the life of this Son would come either through Adam, Abraham, David or Mary. E152 Messiah. E150; SM595:2; R3788:1 The Scriptures identify the Son of Man with the Lord of Glory and with the 'man Christ Jesus, and with the pre-human Logos. E150 The Jews understood the term as synonymous with Messiah. R943:6*, R3788:1 Not in the sense of being a man, but because he was the son of the man David with whom Jehovah made an everlasting covenant, perpetuating the throne to him and his seed forever. R944:1* With the clouds -- Clouds of trouble. R1796:6 The kingdoms become his when he comes "with the clouds" and not his coming as the "man of sorrows." HG79:6 Ancient of days -- Jehovah. A261 Daniel 7:14 There was given him -- "Whose right it is." (Ezek. 21:27) R2609:1; D12 At the end of the Times of the Gentiles. OV115:3; A270 The Christ, Head and Body, complete. A260 By Jehovah, the great King. A261, A308 Dominion -- The present dominion of earth will be transferred to the great Prophet, Priest, King and Judge. R2609:1, R893:2 A kingdom -- When he appears in power and great glory. R2361:1, R4715:1 The Kingdom of God for which we pray, "Thy Kingdom come." (Matt. 6:10) R1776:5; D429 Should serve him -- At present they do not; they must be brought by chastisement to submission. R268:5, R592:3, R409:3 His dominion -- He shall take dominion, associating with him his faithful followers. R799:1 The winepress of the wrath of God must first be trodden. R3359:6* Daniel 7:17 Out of the earth -- At best they are but kingdoms of this world. A270 Daniel 7:18 The saints -- The Little Flock, the Royal Priesthood. R1855:3, R2490:2 Under the new rule there will be new rulers. R268:5 Shall take -- Forcibly. D518 Not by poor human efforts. R658:5, R414:5 To "smite in pieces as a potter's vessel," (Psa. 2:9) intimating that, in some sense, the Lord will take possession of them before they are completely overthrown. R5631:6 The kingdom -- Dominion. R268:5, R409:3 The fifth universal empire, the Kingdom of God. R307:5, R1776:5, R2145:1 Under which "all the families of the earth shall be blessed." (Gen. 12:3; Gen. 28:14) R1195:4 Daniel 7:19 Know the truth -- The nature and length of the dominion. C67 The fourth beast -- The Roman empire. A257; C76; PD50/61 Daniel 7:20 And of the other -- The Papacy. C76, C95 Which came up -- In 539 AD. C76 And before whom -- In 476, 489 and 539 AD, respectively. C76 Three fell -- The Western empire, the Heruli and the Ostrogoths. A258; C76 Mouth that spake -- Papal system making boastful claims. R509:6 See also comments on Dan. 7:8. Daniel 7:22 Judgment -- The judgment against the "thrones" of the present time follows speedily upon the introduction of the Millennial reign. R893:2, R2609:1 The saints -- The Little Flock, the Royal Priesthood. R1855:3, R2490:2 The kingdom -- A strong government, in order to control the avarice and discontent and to cause the bounties of divine providence to minister blessings to every creature. R2145:1 "They shall reign with Christ a thousand years." (Rev. 20:6) R654:6 To bless all the families of the earth; the resurrected dead as well as those nations then living. R1195:4 Daniel 7:24 Another shall rise -- The beginning of this temporal power of the popes was gradual, from AD 539, but it was fully established in AD 800 when Charlemagne, king of France, was crowned by Pope Leo III. R1093:6 Daniel 7:25 And he -- The Papacy, the Man of Sin. C64; R665:5 Speak great words -- "There was given him a mouth speaking great things." (Rev. 13:5) B305 Against the most High -- Every tide of the true Christ and every prophecy describing his future glorious Kingdom, have been applied by the popes to themselves and their Antichrist reign. R1093:6; B307 And shall wear out -- By the Confessional, the Inquisition and by persecutions, such as were inflicted upon the Waldenses, Albigenses, Wycliffites and Huguenots. B328, B329, B334-341 To change times -- By establishing the Church in power before the Lord's time. B310; R5911:3 And laws -- The divine laws, by modifying them to suit his own schemes. B310; R5911:3 Into his hand -- Like Elijah's three and a half years of hiding in the wilderness from Queen Jezebel, these correspond to the 1260 years of the true Church in the wilderness condition where she had fled from the antitypical Jezebel. R5857:4 Dividing of time -- In the Bible a "time" is used in the sense of a year. A symbolic year as used in prophecy is reckoned on the basis of a lunar year--12 months of 30 days each, or 360 days--each day representing a year. B89; CR140:2 Three and a half times or years (360 x 3 1/2 equals 1260 days; symbolic time, 1260 literal years), from 539 to 1799 AD, the period of Papacy's power. C64, C68; R5857:4 There is abundant proof that this is the way God intended us to calculate symbolic time. (See Rev. 11:2, 3, 9, 12; 12:6, 14) R389:3* Daniel 7:26 Away his dominion -- Papacy's dominion, and ecclesiastical domination in general. D37 To consume -- Gradually from 1799 AD onward. D37; A259 This was the point and edge of all the preaching of the Reformation. R307:3 Unto the end -- Showing that the judgment was to sit on that power and take away its dominion before the end. HG21:1 Final complete destruction. C50, C95; D37 Daniel 7:27 Kingdom -- This Messianic Kingdom is to be established to bring mankind back into harmony with the divine arrangement. R5181:2 The golden age of prophecy. R2361:1 For which our Redeemer taught us to watch and pray. R1776:5, R1855:2 The fifth universal empire. R307:5 It is the Kingdom of God--the Kingdom of Allah! CR113:3 It is in that Kingdom only that the saints have their citizenship; it alone they recognize. R318:6 The Church with her Lord is to constitute that Kingdom, and it cannot be established until the gathering of the elect from the world has been accomplished. CR21:5 Dominion -- This dominion Jehovah will wrest by force from the "prince of this world," Satan, and will give it to his Son, whose Bride will share her Bridegroom's Kingdom. R5574:1 But they will not need the dominion, having attained the divine nature. Therefore the Kingdom of earth will be eternally the portion of perfected mankind. CR426:5 Under the whole heaven -- Under a heavenly or spiritual ruler. SM502:1 Worldwide. R5181:2 Upon the completion of the election of the saints. R4812:2 Full liberty to do right will be firmly and forever established by earth's new King. R683:6 Shall be given -- Some of the kingdoms represented in the Gentile image will be remaining at that time. R5631:5 Transfer will be accomplished in a great time of trouble which is to end the present world. R5574:1 Is Christ to have dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all nations should serve him? The same is given to the saints. R30:6* When he gives the saints, with Christ their Lord, the heathen for an inheritance. (Psa. 2:8) R414:5, R658:5 People of the saints -- The Kingdom class will consist only of our Lord and his "elect" of this Gospel age. D618; A261 God's faithful ones who suffer now, subject to the powers that be. R5574:1, R507:2 "The upright (saints) shall have dominion over them in the morning." (Psa. 49:14, 15) R2600:2 Who are to "dash them (beastly kingdoms) in pieces like a potter's vessel." (Psa. 2:8, 9) R5631:5 "To execute upon them the judgment written; this honor have all his saints." (Psa. 149:9) A261 Not by going into earthly politics. R2145:1 Whose kingdom -- The first step in the setting up of this Kingdom was the raising of the sleeping saints of the Gospel age. R5631:6 Everlasting -- The Kingdom of earth will be eternally the portion of perfected mankind. CR426:5 Because being of God's appointment; not by poor human efforts. R318:6, R414:5, R658:5 And all dominions -- Christ's Kingdom is ultimately to be something more than a work of grace in the hearts of believers. A282 Shall serve and obey -- Become subject to Christ. D12 First they must be brought to submission by chastisement. R592:3 His reign will be "the desire of all nations." (Hag. 2:7) R5204:4 As New Creatures prove their love for the Lord by suffering with him now; so the "earthly" must show their love and obedience to the same Lord when he is reigning with his saints. R1149:5* Daniel 8 Daniel 8:8 The great horn -- Alexander the Great. C27 Four notable ones -- The four divisions of Alexander's empire. C27, C31 Ptolemy in Egypt, Seleucus in Asia, Lysimachus in Asia Minor and Cassander in Macedonia. C31 Daniel 8:9 A little horn -- Civil or Imperial Rome, which rose to influence upon the ruins of the Macedonian empire and then underwent a change and became Papal Rome, the Abomination of Desolation. C27, C64, C95, C98 Daniel 8:10 And it -- The Papacy, the Abomination of Desolation. C64, C98 Waxed great even to -- To controlling. C96, C98 The host of heaven -- The entire church. C96 And of the stars -- The shining lights. C96, C104 Daniel 8:11 Magnified himself -- In the person of its head, the pope. C104 Even to the prince -- Even to assuming dignities, prophecies and titles belonging to Christ Jesus, the true Prince of the Church. C96 Of the host -- The great mass of the nominal church. C37, C108 And by him -- And from him, Christ. C96 The daily sacrifice -- The continual sacrifice. C96, C98 Was taken away -- Christ's continual sacrifice was not actually cancelled or abolished by Papacy, but it was set aside by the false doctrine of the Mass. C98 Papacy substituted a false or sham sacrifice in the place of the one everlasting, complete, never-to-be-repeated sacrifice of Calvary made once for all time. C102 And the place -- And the base. C96 The doctrine of the ransom is the base of the Sanctuary or holy Temple, the consecrated Church. C103 Of his sanctuary -- The truly consecrated, in the nominal church. C37, C109 Was cast down -- Was overthrown. C96 By the doctrine of transubstantiation and the sacrifice of the Mass. This was the center of Luther's attack on the Papacy in AD 1517. C99, C109 Daniel 8:12 And an host -- And the host, the people. C96 The rejection of Babylon (Christendom) in 1878 was the rejection of the mass of professors--the "host," thus distinguished from the Sanctuary or Temple class. C180 Was given him -- Was given over to it. C96, C103 The daily sacrifice -- The continual sacrifice. C96 By reason of -- Through. C96 Cast down the truth -- Together with such of the host and of the teachers as held fast to the truth and would not unite with its course of transgression. C104 Daniel 8:13 The daily sacrifice -- The continual sacrifice. C96 The transgression -- The earliest mention of the Mass was at the Council of Constantinople, AD 381, a date not particularly referred to in this prophecy. C103 Of desolation- That maketh desolate. C96 Daniel 8:14 Unto 2300 days -- 2300 literal years, "From the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem" (Dan. 9:25), 454 BC to 1846 AD, when the Sanctuary class was separated by the formation of the Evangelical Alliance. B67; C107, C119 As the seventy weeks, or 490 days (Dan. 9:21-27), were the forepart of the 2300, their fulfillment shows us where the 2300 began and whether literal or symbolic time was signified. C107 The work of cleansing the true Church from the defilements of the Dark Ages culminated in 1846 and was but limited. R5565:6 The sanctuary -- A nucleus of the "holy people," the Sanctuary, would become free from the errors of Papacy. C123 The host was not cleansed, they retained the error; but the consecrated class, the Sanctuary, renounced the error and suffered for truth's sake, many even unto death. C109 Be cleansed -- Freed from the traditions of Babylon. R4334:6 The Great Reformation of the 16th century is the date for the commencing of the cleansing of the Sanctuary. C108 At a time sufficiently in advance of 1874 to make ready a people prepared for the Lord, a people in devout expectancy of his coming. C129 Marking, not the beginning of the cleansing work, but a period in which it would be, in a measure, finished. C105 Protestant church-state union was the snare by which the Adversary impeded the cleansing of the Sanctuary, and reformation and cleansing, for a time, ceased. C111 The cleansed Sanctuary will soon be exalted and filled with the glory of God. C26 Daniel 8:17 Understand -- Mark well. C96, C105 For at the time -- Because for the time. C96, C105 Of the end -- It cannot be understood sooner and will terminate then. C105 Shall be the vision -- Is the vision. C96 Daniel 8:18 In a deep sleep -- In amazement. C97 Daniel 8:19 In the last end -- To the end. C97, C105 Of the indignation -- Of these evil predictions. C97, C105 For at -- For it pertaineth to and shall be fulfilled. C97, C105 Time appointed -- Appointed time. C97, C105 AD 1799. C129 The end shall be -- Of the end. C97, C105 The dominion of the "Man of Sin" was taken away. C129 Daniel 8:20 Are -- Signifieth. C97 Daniel 8:22 Now that being -- Now that it was. C97 Whereas -- And that. C97 Stood up for it -- Sprang up in its stead, signifieth. C97 Not in his power -- Not with his power. C97 Daniel 8:23 Are come to the full -- Have filled the measure of their guilt. C97 "For the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full." (Gen. 15:16) C97 A king -- The Papacy, the Abomination of Desolation. C64, C97 Of fierce -- Impudent or shameless. C97 Dark sentences -- Deep schemes. C97 Shall stand up -- Shall arise. C97 Daniel 8:24 Shall be mighty -- Shall be made mighty. C97 Not by his own power -- Not with his own force. Papacy strengthened itself by using the force of the various nations of Europe. C97 Prosper, and practise -- Do more than can be believed. C97 And shall destroy -- Or corrupt. C97 The mighty -- The mighty ones. C97 The holy people -- Saintly people. C97 Daniel 8:25 Through his policy -- By his cunning skill. C97 Craft to prosper -- Deceit to prosper him. C97 In his hand -- In his power. C97 And by peace -- And by prosperity. C97 Shall also stand up -- As Antichrist. C97 Daniel 8:26 And the vision of -- And that part of the vision concerning. C97 Evening and the morning -- Or, the "vision of the days," giving it the same rendering as in verse 14. HG650:1 Which was told -- That there would be 2300 days to the cleansing. C97 For it shall be -- For it will be fulfilled. C97 For many days -- For a very long time; not merely for 2300 literal days. C105 Daniel 8:27 And was sick -- Sick at heart by the thought of so many evils coming upon God's people. C105 None understood it -- None could interpret it. C106 The prophets wrote not for themselves and the people then living. but for the Gospel Church. R1418:6 Daniel 9 Daniel 9:2 Understood by books -- By Jer. 25:11; Jer 29:10 and 2 Chron. 36:20-23. B64, B191 Accomplish seventy years -- We cannot make seventy years desolation of the land into fifty-one years' desolation for the sake of harmony with Ptolemy. R3437:3 Desolations of Jerusalem -- Seventy years of desolation, not of captivity. R1976:1,4, R3437:3 Daniel 9:3 To seek by prayer -- His earnestness and faith in the promises pleased God, who therefore revealed to him something more concerning the vision. C106 With fasting -- We have good New Testament precedent for the observance of literal fasts. R2022:4 Daniel 9:18 For thy great mercies -- Pray, trusting in God's love and mercy. R5380:5* Daniel 9:19 For thine own sake -- Pray, pleading God's glory. R5380:6*, R5381:1* Daniel 9:20 Speaking, and praying -- Let us be encouraged to pray always and not to faint when the answers seem to tarry long. R1866:4 Confessing my sin -- How many prayers are hindered because the one who asks does not first purify himself. R1866:4, R2022:5 Daniel 9:21 Speaking in prayer -- Concerning the vision of 2300 days which Daniel misunderstood to mean a prolongation of the 70 years captivity of fleshly Israel in Babylon. C106 Vision at the beginning -- In the vision of 8:16, referring him back to that vision. HG88:1 Touched me -- Spiritual beings can appear as common men with fleshly bodies, as did Christ after his resurrection. HG29:3 Daniel 9:22 To give thee skill -- To teach thee. C107 And understanding -- That thou mayest understand. C107 Daniel 9:23 At the beginning -- Not the end, but at the beginning of our supplications, God begins to shape circumstances to work out blessings for us. R1866:4 The commandment -- The further declaration of God's plan, now being communicated. C107 To shew thee -- To tell it. C107 The matter -- This further matter. C107 Consider the vision -- Have understanding of the vision of the 2300 days. C107 Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks -- Seventy literal weeks would be 490 days; seventy symbolic weeks would be 490 years. B65; C107; R600:4 490 years specifically set apart as a period of favor to the Jewish nation. R4344:2, R2620:5, R2657:5, R4842:2, R5470:3, R5836:5, R19:6 Ended 3 1/2 years after the death of Christ; after which the Gospel privileges were open to the Gentiles, Cornelius being the first convert. R1451:2, R2811:6, R5963:6, R5163:2; Q150:3 Divine favor to Israelites must and did continue to them down to the full end of the 70 weeks, although national favor ceased 3 1/2 years earlier, in the midst of the 70th week. R2620:5, R2931:2, R5963:6 Are determined -- Marked off, cut off, or set apart as a part of the 2300 days or years. C107; B65 Upon thy people -- Israel. C107; HG66:1 Provided and foretold for "Israelites indeed." R4504:3 Upon thy holy city -- Jerusalem. C107 An end of sins -- "He put away sin by the sacrifice of himself." (Heb. 9:26) B68 To those whose iniquities were reconciled for by our Redeemer's sacrifice. R4504:5 Reconciliation -- The iniquities of the Church were cancelled at the heavenly Mercy Seat when Jesus "ascended upon high" (Eph. 4:8); unbelievers are still unreconciled. R4504:5 Complete, from God's standpoint, since Christ's death. R37:2 Does not contradict the plain statement of other Scriptures that the great work of reconciliation is divided into two parts-- the first for the Church and the second for the world. R4504:6 Righteousness -- Everlasting justification from sin instead of the typical yearly justification accomplished by the types for the typical people, Israel. B68, B65 And to seal up -- To set a seal upon Daniel as a true prophet, and upon all his prophecies. C107 By making an end of sin and bringing in everlasting righteousness. R3115:1 By the blood of the covenant. B69 The vision -- Of the 2300 days, by fulfilling the first part of it. C107 And prophecy -- And the prophet Daniel, by showing him to be a true prophet. C107 Anoint -- Anointed by the holy Spirit at Pentecost. R4344:3, R4504:3 The most Holy -- The holy remnant of the Jewish nation, the purest and fittest. B70 Israelites indeed. R4504:3, R5950:6 Daniel 9:25 Know therefore -- The learned might have known the time of its fulfilment from this prophecy, but for the masses, the evidence was simply and only the signs of the times. R748:3, R629:2 The going forth -- 454 BC, according to the chronologies of Dr. Hale and Dr. Priestlie. B67 Rollins, in his "Ancient History of the Medes and Persians," agrees with the date of 454 BC. R3575:4* 1845 years (the length of the Jewish "double") prior to 1391 AD when Hus, the reformer, became acquainted with the works of Wycliffe and continued the Reformation work. From the work of Hus in 1391 to the invention of printing in 1440 AD was 49 years, or seven weeks of years. This explains the peculiar manner in which the 69 weeks are mentioned in this verse, as "7" and "62." R3575:6*, R3577:1* The decree of Cyrus, although issued in BC 536, did not go forth until the days of Ezra and Nehemiah, but lay concealed in the treasure house of the kings of Persia. (See Ezra 6:1-3) HG105:5 The beginning of the 70 weeks was so obscure and indefinite that the Jews did not know positively when to expect Messiah. R2132:4 To build Jerusalem -- Not the Temple. B65, B67 To build its walls, in the 20th year of Artaxerxes (Neh. 2:1) and not the time of Ezra's commission 13 years earlier (Ezra 7:7). R3575:4*; B67 Unto the Messiah -- Signifies "The Anointed." Jesus was not the Anointed until his baptism. B66; R600:4 While many prophecies combine to fix and confirm the date of the second coming of Christ, this one alone marked the date of his first advent. B64 The Prince -- Highly exalted. OV118:4 Seven weeks -- Marked specially events connected with the Temple. R2811:6 Threescore and two -- Totaling 69 weeks of years, or 483 years, ending Autumn 29 AD. B66 Reaching to the baptism of Jesus where he was Christ-ened, or more properly, in English, Anointed, manifest as the Messiah. R47:2* When Jesus was baptized in Jordan; at the beginning of the last seven years of that period. R189:5, R4344:2 In troublous times -- Under unfavorable circumstances, as recorded by Nehemiah. (Neh. 4) B65 Daniel 9:26 And after -- But not immediately after, R47:2* Three and one-half years after. B68 Threescore and two -- (Seven) and 62, or 69 weeks, 483 years. B67 The end of the 62 weeks following the first seven was to mark Messiah's appearance. R2811:6 Messiah be cut off -- Be slain (Douay), die. B68; R271:6, R562:4, R600:4, R3630:2 In the middle of the last seven years. R4344:3, R3630:2; Q107:2 "He was cut off out of the land of the living; (not for himself) for the transgression of my people was he stricken." (Isa. 53:8) R47:2* But not for himself -- Not for his own sins. R4344:3, R1359:4 "Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures. (1 Cor. 15:3) R393:4, R271:6 "He was wounded for our transgressions." (Isa. 53:5) R600:4, R1359:4, R1394:5 "The just for the unjust." (1 Pet. 3:18) R1359:4 One of the many prophecies which indicate that the Bible is a divine revelation. A58 Variously rendered in other translations, but in our opinion, the Authorized Version is the clearest and best rendering. B68 Of the prince -- Titus, the Roman General. B63 Be with a flood -- Like a flood. B71 Daniel 9:27 And he -- Messiah, Christ. B63; R197:5, R1359:4, R1394:5, R2931:2, R5163:1 Confirm the covenant -- Seventy weeks' agreement. R600:4, R2657:5; Q195:2 The disciples were not suffered to preach to the world in general until the seven years of harvest work to that Jewish people was fully accomplished. R263:6, R600:4 It was in the last half of the 70th week, three and a half years after the cross, that the great work was done amongst the Jews. Q107:2 With many -- Individuals of the castoff system. Thus Jesus, telling his disciples to preach to "all nations," was particular to add, "beginning at Jerusalem." (Luke 24:47) C170 During the remaining three and a half years the favor was increased, though confined to the remnant, the most holy, the purest, or fittest, whom alone could benefit. B70 For one week -- Seven years. R263:6, R289:4, R562:4, R2811:6, R5163:2 The entire "seventieth week," from the beginning of our Lord's ministry until Cornelius, was set apart by God's arrangement for the Jewish trial. C170 The 70th or last week of the covenant of favor, from the beginning of our Lord's ministry, October AD 29, to the conversion of Cornelius, October AD 36, 3 1/2 years after Christ's death. B58, B63, B71; R5163:2, R189:6, R1451:2, R5048:6, R5470:3, R5836:5, R4344:3; Q195:2; HG117:5, HG354:5 Seven years of favor-trial and separation of "Israelites indeed" from nominal Israel; a parallel of the trial and separation of the Christians indeed (entirely consecrated) from the nominal church of professors. R247:5, R2811:6 Furnishing a typical representation of a similar testing of the nominal gospel church during seven corresponding years from 1874 to 1881 AD. C171, C216; B235; Q150:2-4, Q156:1-3 And In the midst -- After 3 1/2 years. B68; R2811:6, R2931:2 His death, at the Passover, about April I would place his birth thirty three and a half years earlier, in the month of October. B58 Of the week -- Of the 70th week, 3 1/2 years before its full end in 36 AD. C108; R4842:2 He shall cause -- By introducing the better sacrifice. B65 The sacrifice -- The typical sacrifices of the Law. B68 Oblation to cease -- When the true sacrifice had been made, the typical ones were no lonqer recognized. A223; B65, B68; R5163:3, R271:6, R189:5 And for -- Or, because of. B64 The overspreading -- Because abominations would prevail. D571 Abominations -- Fleshly Israel's religion became an abomination after their repudiation of Christ. D571 He shall -- Messiah shall. B64 Make it desolate -- The termination of God's special exclusive favor to Israel, marked by the spirit-begetting of Cornelius. R4344:3 "Wrath is come upon them to the uttermost." (1 Thes. 2:10) R1702:2 Secular history estimates the trouble that came upon Israel within 40 years of our Lord's death as the most awful that had thus far occured amongst men. R1702:2, R2787:3 The consummation -- Or completion, the full end of the Jewish "double" or period of disfavor. B64, B71 Or, utter destruction. R5950:6 Seven years of favor was followed by 33 years of trouble, called fire; paralleled by seven years to 1881 AD, followed by trouble, called "fire," which will consume the dross of Babylon and purify God's children in and contaminated by her. R289:5 And that determined -- And that which is determined in God's plan. B64; D571 Until all that God had predetermined shall be accomplished. R5950:6 Upon the desolate -- Or, cast off people. B72 The desolate people, the rejected nation, represented by Jerusalem. B64; D571 Daniel 10 Daniel 10:2 Mourning three full weeks -- Because of his inability to understand. R1866:4 Daniel 10:3 No pleasant bread -- Representing self-denial and deadness to the world, which should be the attitude of all true believers at all times. R2022:4 Daniel 10:5 A certain man -- An angel in his glorious spirit body. A183 An angel can also assume a human body of flesh. R1952:3 Daniel 10:6 Body -- A spiritual body, as described here and in Rev. 1:13-15, is very nice; and we shall be "fashioned like unto his (Christ's) glorious body." (Phil. 3:21) R119:6, R315:6* Like the beryl -- Spiritual bodies are glorious in their normal condition. R18:3, R261:6, R579:1; HG28:6 Eyes as lamps -- Expressive of their piercing brightness. "The Lord seeth not as man seeth." (1 Sam. 16:7) R388:6* Polished brass -- Fine brass, as it burns in a furnace, so bright that you can scarcely look at it. R18:4, R261:6 Daniel 10:7 I Daniel alone saw -- Without a miracle, either by opening our eyes to see them, or their appearing in the flesh as men, spiritual bodies are invisible. R579:1, R18:4, R262:1; A183 Daniel 10:8 No strength in me -- Had our Lord appeared after his resurrection in the glory of the spirit body, the glory would have been greater than the witnesses could have borne. B124 Daniel 10:9 Toward the ground -- Daniel fell as a dead man. R18:4, R261:6 Daniel 10:11 Man greatly beloved -- Margin: "man of desires." R2022:4 Daniel 10:12 From the first day -- Not the end of the third week. R1866:4 At the beginning of our supplications God begins to shape circumstances to work out the intended blessing for us. R1866:4 "Before they call (reading the desire of the heart even before it finds expression in words) I will answer (begin to shape events to bring the answer sooner or later); and while they are yet speaking I will hear." (Isa. 65:23, 24) R1866:5 To chasten thyself -- Sought, by the practice of self-denial, to bring himself into a special condition of heart and mind pleasing to God. R2022:4 How many prayers are not heard, or are hindered, because the one who asks does not first purify himself of evil in his own heart? R1866:5 Daniel 10:13 Withstood me -- Either invisibly present with him, or else appearing as a man. R579:1, R262:1, R18:4; A184 But, lo, Michael -- Christ. D414 The superior of Gabriel. R490:4 Daniel 10:20 Knowest thou -- Or, Thou knowest. HG61:6 Daniel 11 Daniel 11:2 And the fourth -- Darius 111, Codomanus. C26 Daniel 11:3 A mighty king -- Alexander the Great of Greece. C26 Shall rule -- Alexander conquered the world in the short period of 13 years. C27 With great dominion -- The High Priest of Israel showed Alexander this prophecy and interpreted it to foreshow that the Persian power should be overthrown by Alexander. C27 Daniel 11:4 The four winds -- Among his four Generals: Ptolemy in Egypt, Seleucus in Asia, Lysimachus in Asia Minor and Cassander in Macedonia. C27, C31 Daniel 11:5 King of the south -- Egypt. C27 Daniel 11:6 King of the north -- The Grecians, and afterwards, the Romans. C27 Not an individual monarch, but the Roman empire's representative. C32 Daniel 11:14 To establish -- To seemingly fulfil. C25 Daniel 11:17 Daughter of women -- Cleopatra. C28 Daniel 11:18 After this -- The following verses merely touch prominent characters down to Papacy and then, identifying it, pass on to the end of its power to persecute, and a detailed account of Napoleon Bonaparte. C28 Daniel 11:19 Then he -- Mark Antony. C29 Daniel 11:20 A raiser of taxes -- "Caesar Augustus sent forth a decree that all the world should be taxed." (Luke 2:1) C29 Augustus was the first ruler to introduce to the world a systematized taxation. C29 In the glory -- The most glorious epoch, Rome's "Golden Age." C29 Another translation reads, "the glorious land of the kingdom," applying specially to Palestine and fitting in exactly with the record in Luke 2:1. C29 Of the kingdom -- The Roman empire. C29 But within few days -- Within a few years after he reached the zenith of his power. C29 Nor in battle -- Augustus died a quiet death, whereas his predecessor and his seven successors in imperial power died violent deaths. C29 Daniel 11:21 A vile person -- Tiberius, a cruel, sensual, despicable tyrant. C30 Daniel 11:22 Shall they -- All opposers. C30 DANIEL BIBLICAL COMMENTS Be overflown -- Be swept away. C30 Also the prince -- Christ Jesus. C30, C126 Daniel 11:23 Made with him -- The Senate recognized him as Emperor. C30 With a small people -- The Praetorian Guards, 10,000 picked troops organized by Tiberius and kept by him continually at Rome to overawe the people and Senate and abolish elections and assemblies. C30 Daniel 11:24 He shall scatter -- Divide. C31 Among them -- Among local governors. C31 The prey, and spoil -- Of the countries tributary to Rome. C31 Daniel 11:25 And he -- Aurelian, Emperor of Rome in the days of Zenobia, 272 AD. C33, C32 King of the south -- Egypt. C32 Forecast devices -- Treacherously devise plans. C32 Daniel 11:26 Shall destroy him -- Aurelian was assassinated by his own Generals. C34, Shall overflow -- His army was successful. C34 Daniel 11:27 Both these kings' -- Imperial power slowly dying and clerical power slowly coming to life and ambition. C34 But it -- The league of the clergy and the civil power. C35 Shall not prosper -- Then, in Aurelian's time. C35 Even Constantine was hindered by the temper of the people from accomplishing at once and as rapidly as was desired a union of the forces of church and state. C35 For yet -- "Because as yet the end is unto another time." The union between clergy and civil power could not prosper because the 1260 years, counted from that date, would bring the end too soon. C34 The end -- Of the 1260 years of papal persecution. C35 The time appointed -- In 1799 A.D., and could not, therefore, have begun in Aurelian's day as it would then have terminated before the time appointed. C35 Daniel 11:28 Then shall he -- Aurelian, after the overthrow of Zenobia. C33 Return into his land -- Rome. C33 With great riches -- Zenobia was confined in fetters of gold and nearly fainted under the weight of jewels when led captive into Rome. C33 Shall be against -- Aurelian ascribed his victory over Zenobia to the sun. As the Christian deemed the sun unworthy of worship, it is presumed that their refusal to participate in this sun-worship provoked his sudden and violent opposition. C34 The holy covenant -- Christianity. Aurelian, on his return, began a persecution of all Christians. C34 Daniel 11:29 At -- This verse and the verse following should be in parenthesis. C35, C46 The time appointed -- The Time of the End. C46 He -- Napoleon. C47 Shall return -- Verses 25 to 28 refer to a previous invasion of Egypt, verses 29 and 30 intimating that the next great invasion of Egypt would be at the Time of the End. C46 And come toward -- And invade. C47 The south -- Egypt. C47 It shall not be -- Not be as great a victory as. C47 The former -- Invasion against Cleopatra. C47 Or as the latter -- Invasion against Zenobia. C47 Daniel 11:30 For -- The reason Napoleon's invasion of Egypt was not as successful as were other invasions was because. C47 Ships of Chittim -- Of the Romans. England was once a part of the Roman empire, against the fragments of which Napoleon at this time was fighting. C47 The holy covenant -- The truth, by establishing the Concordat with the Pope. C47 So shall he do -- And he shall succeed. C47 Shall even return -- Change about. C47 Have intelligence -- Devise, scheme, operate. C47 With them -- Against them. C47 That forsake -- That have forsaken the apostate church in Rome. C47 Taking away, not only Charlemagne's gifts of territory 1000 years after they were made; but afterward Papacy's civil jurisdiction in Rome, which was actually recognized from AD 539, 1260 years before AD 1799. C58 Daniel 11:31 And arms -- Strong ones (Young's translation); heady ones. C36 Stand on his part -- Stand up out of him, out of the Papacy. C36, C64 They shall pollute -- Undermine, defile. C36, C25 Sanctuary of strength -- Both the sacred precincts of civil authority, undermined by those in the church who sought for present dominion; and the sanctuary of God, the Church, defiled and degraded by the ambitions of these strong ones. C36 The daily sacrifice -- The continual sacrifice, Christ's sacrifice. This does not refer to the interruption of the Temple worship by Antiochus Epiphanes. C25, C36; R1484:3 They shall place -- 539 AD is the point in time from which we should reckon the Desolating Abomination set up. C76 The Papacy in embryo schemed to set itself up in power as a sacerdotal empire. C36 The abomination -- The central item of this prophecy of Dan. 11. C25 That Wicked One (2 Thes. 2:8); the Man of Sin (2 Thes. 2:3); the Mystery of Iniquity (2 Thes. 2:7); the Antichrist (1 John 2:18); the Son of Perdition (2 Thes. 2:3); the Little Horn (Dan. 7:8); the Papacy (Matt. 24:15). B271, B272, B277; C64, C76; A258 Particularly its doctrine of transubstantiation and the sacrifice of the Mass, supplemented in our day by various theories of self-atonement. C36; D572; F471 The sacrifice of the Mass--a gross error introduced about the third century. R3750:3, R1484:3, R2822:6 That maketh desolate -- The result of its overspreading influence would be the desolation of rejected Christendom. D571 By turning people away from the one atonement sacrifice for sins and having their gaze attracted to the priest, the Mass, the blessings and the holy water. R3750:4; C36 Daniel 11:32 And such -- Of the reformers and the reform movements. D31 Of the host class. C37 The covenant -- Their covenant with the Lord. C37 Shall he -- The Papacy. C37 By flatteries -- Honors, titles, etc. C37 But the people -- The Sanctuary class. C37 Do know their God -- His character and plan. R2570:1 Shall be strong -- Valiant; strengthened by persecution. R2570:1; C37 Daniel 11:33 And they -- The Reformers at the end of the Dark Ages. B357 Shall instruct many -- That the Papacy is the Antichrist, the Man of Sin. C37 Yet they -- Those who oppose the Papacy, the faithful few. C37 Days -- Here another parenthesis of verse 34 and part of verse 35 interrupts, until the phrase "to the time of the end, because it is yet (future) for a time appointed." C38 Although the length of this persecution is not here stated, we learn from other scriptures that it is 1260 years, ending in 1799 AD. C38 Daniel 11:34 Now when they -- The true Church. OV417:1 Shall fall -- When falling, in the 16th century, before the end of Papacy's power. C38; B357; R5911:4 God granted a little help to those falling because of fidelity to his Word; notwithstanding some would fall through persecutions. C38 With a little help -- The Reformation movement. C38; OV417:1; B357 The teachings of a few saintly ones gained sufficient headway to bring about the Reformation. R5911:4 But many -- Kings and princes; tares. C38, C154 Shall cleave to them -- To Protestantism; to the wheat. C38, C154 With flatteries -- Honors and titles; promises of help and success if they would shape their courses according to the wisdom of this world. C37, C110 Succumbing, in a considerable degree, to the desire to gain power and influence among the nations. R5911:4 Receiving the favor of the world at the expense of their virtue, their fidelity to Christ. D31 It was flattery of the leaders of the great Reformation that stayed the progress of that good work and caused many to fall from their steadfastness. R1895:2 The kings and princes offered their backing in return for support of their kingdoms. OV417:1 Overcome by flatteries, each reform movement, after accomplishing a measure of cleansing, stopped short. D31 No marks or badges of distinction or flattering homage may be tolerated in the Body of Christ. R1895:2 Had the reformers and their descendants continued faithful to the truth and not succumbed to flatteries, God's grand design might have been accomplished through their honored instrumentality. C50 Daniel 11:35 Of understanding -- Leaders, reformers, teachers, who had been able to instruct many concerning Papacy's errors. C38 Shall fall -- Flattery caused many to fall; but let it not be so among us. R1895:2 From being leaders of reform they became leaders into temptation. C48 "A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand." (Psa. 91:7) R414:6 To try them -- The faithful few. C38 The checking of the reform movement served, as Papacy's error had done, to further test the saints, to prove whether they were really followers of men or of God. C48 And to purge -- Shake loose from all earthly support and confidence in man's wisdom. R414:6 Make them white -- Verses 34 & 35, down to and including these words, should be in parenthesis. C38 Even to the time -- The fixed time. C25 Of the end -- AD 1799. C38 The overthrow of the Papal dominion in 1798 by the French Revolution marked the beginning of the "Time of the End" and opened the way for a multitude of improvements and the increase of knowledge. R24:5 It is yet -- A full and correct interpretation of the vision could not be had until the Time of the End. C25 Daniel 11:36 And the king -- Napoleon was not a king, but the term king is a general one to indicate a powerful ruler. C40 Napoleon, the instrument employed by providence to break Papacy's power and to begin her torture which will end in utter destruction at a later date. C39 France had been, of all nations, most faithful and subservient to Papal authority. Therefore no other nation could have struck Papacy so stunning and destructive a blow as the French. C39 To his will -- He was noted for his wilfulness and determination. C40 Above every god -- Every mighty one. C40 Marvellous things -- Commanding his obedience as a servant, thus shocking the superstitious of the world. C40 The God of gods -- The ruler of rulers, the Pope, by fining him ten million dollars, organizing the Papal territory into a republic and taking a Pope as a prisoner to France. C40, C42, C56 Shall prosper till -- When Napoleon boldly ignored both the blessings and the curses of Papacy and yet prospered phenomenally, he weakened not only Papal influence over civil governments but also the influence of Protestant systems in matters civil and political. C49 Until he had accomplished his mission of scourging the Papacy and breaking its influence over the minds of the people. C41 Shall be done -- The Pope was brought to the verge of ruin in 1797 AD, taken prisoner to France in 1798 and died there the following year. His successor, Pius VII, in 1800, declared that all, including himself, should obey established governments. C42 Since AD 1799 there have been separations between empires and churches, but no new unions. This date marks a new reformation on a more substantial basis--no less thorough than that of Luther and his colleagues. C49 Daniel 11:37 God of his fathers -- The Papacy. C42 The desire of women -- Protestant sects. C42 Nor regard any god -- Any ruler. C42 Magnify himself -- Nothing but his own personal ambition controlled Napoleon. C42 Himself above all -- In opposition to all. C42 Daniel 11:38 But in his estate -- Instead of any of these gods. C42 The God of forces -- Military power. C42 His fathers knew not -- Other great warriors made acknowledgment to some supernatural powers for victories achieved; but Napoleon ascribed his success to himself and his genius. C43 And pleasant things -- The treasures of Europe were taken to France as spoils of war. C43 Daniel 11:39 In the most strong -- To strengthen his. C43 Holds -- Hold. C43 With a strange god -- With the strange (new) god. C43 Whom he shall -- Whoever will. C43 Acknowledge -- Acknowledge him. C43 And increase -- Him will he give much honor. C43 He shall cause them -- Shall cause such. C43 The land for gain -- Gratis, among his relatives and favorites. C43 Daniel 11:40 And at the time -- The fixed time. C44 "The time pre-fixed." (Douay) C46 Of the end -- AD 1799. C38, C68 King of the south -- Egypt. C44 Push -- Marking the particular event that is to be understood as the exact date of the beginning of the Time of the End--Napoleon's invasion of Egypt from May 1798 to Oct. 9, 1799. C44 King of the north -- England. C44 Like a whirlwind -- Nelson's attack on the French fleet was conducted with a degree of vigor never surpassed. C45 And with horsemen -- The Egyptian Mamelukes. C45 With many ships -- The English forces consisted of a navy under Admiral Nelson. C45 And he -- Napoleon. C45 And pass over -- And pass through victoriously. C45 Daniel 11:41 The glorious land -- Palestine. C45 Children of Ammon -- Napoleon kept to the coast and did not enter, but passed by these lands. C45 Daniel 11:44 Out of the north -- The second coalition, composed of England, Russia, Naples, Turkey and Austria. C46 Make away many -- Many nations. C46 Daniel 11:45 Of his palace -- His palatial tents. C45 Holy mountain -- Mt. Tabor, the mount of transfiguration, where one of his most important battles was fought. C45 Or Mt. Sinai, visited by Napoleon and his scientific corps. C45 Come to his end -- Death as an exile. C46 None shall help him -- He was forsaken by all. C46 Daniel 12 Daniel 12:1 And at that time -- And in that time, "the Time of the End" (Dan. 12:4), somewhere between 1799 AD and 1914. C24, C129; D414; R5696:2 At the time of the great earthquake of Rev. 16:18, 19, divine power will step forward and gather the marshalled hosts to Armageddon. Dxv; SM236:3; OV275:1 Shall Michael -- A fitting name for him who is the express image of the Father's person and the representative of his authority and power. B147 "Who as God," one representing God, Christ Jesus, "The captain of our salvation." (Heb. 2:10) B145, B147; C62; D414, D548, Diii; OV269:2; CR139:3; R490:5, R2394:2 The great Messiah, the Archangel, the antitypical Melchizedec, Priest and King. R4715:3, R5031:2, R4735:6, R5050:3; CR141:4; SM236:3 The great antitypical Moses, the great antitypical David. CR137:6 The glorious Messiah, whom the Jews identify with Michael, the Mohammedans also expect and identify with Mohammed of the past; and the Freemasons identify with Hiram Abiff, the great Master Mason. R5031:2, R4715:3; Q422:3, Q425:3 A god-like Messiah, combining the qualities of Moses (the great teacher and lawgiver), of David and Solomon (the great kings), and of Melchizedek (the great priest)--on a bigger scale--antitypical--and as a spirit being and not a human. OV109:1, OV115:3; CR137:6 The superior of Gabriel. R490:4 Not the same Michael as mentioned in Rev. 12:7. R55:3, R306:5 Stand up -- Be present. B149 Stepping upon the scene quietly, without outward show, in the same manner as he went away. C130 When the lease of earthly power of Gentile governments terminates in the great time of trouble, Messiah shall stand up and assume control of earth's affairs; and Gentile governments shall cease, for all nations shall serve and obey Messiah. SM478:2 As in Rev. 11:15 and 1 Thes. 4:16, showing Jesus' presence during the time of trouble. B149 Messiah is about to stand up, clothed with divine power, to take to himself his great power and reign. R5805:6 Begin his reign. HG314:3 Begin to exercise his power and dominion. R490:5 With power and authority, to accomplish the grand restitution of all things, offering everlasting life to the dead and dying. C126 To render judgment. R1308:4 To intercept that trouble, and save mankind from self-destruction in anarchy. R2394:2 The new King Immanuel has taken the helm of earth's affairs. R3342:6 Stand forth, at his second advent; assume control; when he "ariseth to shake terribly the whole earth." (Isa. 2:19) B145, B147, B149; C62; D579; SM479:T; OV324:1; R1155:6, R5805:6 The Lord shall manifest to the world his government, his authority, his rule. R3469:5, R490:5, R1385:5 Our Lord will not have the authority in vain. When he shall have the authority he shall use it. One of the first works will be the suppression of evil--the devil and all his institutions. R3469:5 To give the word of command, permitting the match to be struck for the great fire that consumes the "earth," "the elements" and "the course of nature." D548; B147 For the salvation of God's people, for the rectification of error and wrong, for the establishment of right and truth, to bring to the world of mankind the great Kingdom of God. Diii; OV269:2 He will be on the side of the masses. OV275:2; SM236:3 The great prince -- Archangel. (Jude 7) R152:6; HG80:6 The leader and commander of the people. R2394:2 Jehovah's chief messenger, the Lord of glory. R490:5 As the name Michael indicates, God's representative; the "prince of the covenant." (Dan. 11:22) C126 For the children -- He will stand up for Israel; he will stand up for the Church, which is his Body; and he will stand up for all who are in harmony with God, and all who will be in harmony with God. R5050:3 Of thy people -- For the deliverance of Israel first and, subsequently, of all the families of the earth--from every vestige of bondage, including eventually the bondage of death. OV102:2 If "thy people" of Dan. 9:24 belongs exclusively to the Jews, it is exceedingly arbitrary to say " thy people" of Dan. 12 has no reference to the Jewish nation. HG66:1 And there shall be -- Not the peaceable conversion of the world. B101 Not by Peace Conventions and Peace Treaties. R5554:2 In the close of this Harvest time. R3228:4 Because the wise of the earth do not fully submit themselves to absolute justice and truth, and princes do not turn from the grasping of power to the enlightenment and uplifting of the people. SM696:T; OV102:1 Occasioned in great measure by the growth of infidelity and Spiritism. A239 THE CAUSE -- A time of trouble -- The cause: manifestations of divine justice and opposition to sin and all iniquity. The results: the world's realization that they need a Mediator. OV286:3 The beginning of the judgment of the living nations. B145 The trouble and shaking of the Church, to shake out of profession of faith all who are not really saints, is because the election of the Church is almost complete. R1308:4 General infidelity among the masses will pave the way for socialism and, finally, for anarchy--which, as the fire of the great Day of God Almighty, shall sweep all before it into the greatest time of trouble the world has ever known. R1198:4, R1983:1, R4955:5; OV186:4; HG499:4, HG518:4 Not a repetition of history, but a stupendous reversal of history brought on by the new conditions of many running to and fro and knowledge being increased. D414 As the direct result of the blessings and increased enlightenment of our day. R2971:4, R1142:3 As a result of the running to and fro and the increase of knowledge, bringing increased dissatisfactions. R2394:2, R3898:5; R5364:1; A337; Di; HG317:1 The knowledge causes the trouble because of the depravity of the race. A170 The world's greatest blessing--knowledge--is becoming its greatest bane. OV62:T, OV148:T To be precipitated by the conflict of interests of the aristocracy and the masses. R5448:6, R1690:3, R4795:5, R5516:4, R5112:4, R1776:5, R3107:6; Q769:3, Q849:T; A325, A335; OV321:2 In which no nation can claim God's care and protection. R1561:6 The outcome of human selfishness, providentially delayed until the due time. SM266:1, SM160:1; OV186:4; A332 Describing the binding of Satan and the overthrow of the reign of sin. HG234:1 The Adversary may have had much to do with the movements toward communism, socialism and anarchism which will tend to bring on the time of trouble. R5061:4; Q579:4 The race question will evidently have its part in this mighty conflict. The Adversary is seeking to stir up strife between the Negroes and the whites which can result in no good to either. HG515:5 When the four winds, the fallen angels, will become loose. R5318:4, R5470:4 Evil spirits intruding upon the minds of men. R4311:3, R5318:4, R5470:4 "Watch ... that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things." (Luke 21:36) R1952:4 Accomplished by the Lord allowing present institutions to "run amuck," to overthrow themselves. SM15:1 The storm clouds have been gathering since 1874. R1243:1 A time of anarchy brought on by neglect of the golden rule. R2313:6, R3107:6, R3228:4, R4735:2, R4955:5, R1519:2, R4857:2; OV148:T, OV341:2; SM453:3, SM266:1; B78; PD94/108 Anarchy, born of fear and despair, and not of a love of lawlessness. R2869:4 Rendering satisfaction for wilful sin, the squaring of God's accounts with the world preparatory to handing the Kingdom over to Messiah for the blessing of all. OV346:1; R5240:2 As a satisfaction for wilful sin, for all the righteous blood shed from the time of Abel down to the present. R5240:2 SEVERITY OF THE TIME OF TROUBLE -- A revolution--short, sharp, terrible--in which the social earth shall melt and the ecclesiastical heavens pass away with a great commotion. HG639:5 It will be short. But it will last long enough to teach humanity a lesson never to be forgotten--that God and his arrangements must stand first and be obeyed if blessings are sought. OV321:3 The greatest revolution the world has ever seen; not bloodless, at the ballot box, but by a "time of trouble." R1385:5, R1563:6; A307 Nobody wants this trouble, everybody will be injured by it, and yet everybody is rushing toward it--both the aristocracy and the masses, goaded on by fear. R5448:6 The beginning of the purgatorial fire of the Day of the Lord. R1470:3 A parallel of the severe trouble at the end of the Jewish dispensation, but vastly larger. R5469:5, R5240:2, R1702:4, R4891:5, R5019:1; B219; C126; D48; F445 There will be no peaceable conversion of the nations. B101 Variously pictured as a whirlwind, (Jer. 23:19) a fire, (Zeph.3:8) a tempest, (Isa. 29:6) a flood. (Nahum 1:7, 8) R4997:4, R5863:6; HG401:1; Div, D527 "The Day of Vengeance." (Isa. 63:4, Isa. 34:8) D11 In connection with the quakings of society and the overturning of kingdoms, we may expect an increase of wars, pestilences, earthquakes and famines. R879:2 A baptism of fire (trouble), which some mistakenly pray for. F445 Compared with which even the French Revolution will be small. C62 Will consume religious, political and financial institutions. R2971:4, R622:4, R1198:4, R5364:1; SM512:T "I will shake all nations." (Hag. 2:7) R3053:1 When the winepress of the wrath of God overflows. OV126:3; R4755:6 In which the tare class will be terminated. R3771:4, R4636:4; C146; F445 The present terrible war (1914) is not the great time of trouble in the fullest sense of the word, but merely its forerunner. The great time of trouble will be brought on by anarchy, the general uprising of the people. R5526:3; OV341:2 The great trouble of Rev. 13:15-17 will not be the world's trouble, the anarchy which will cause the "earth" society to melt with fervent heat. R3437:1 We are not to expect the interposition of the Lord's power to stop it until mankind shall have been humbled to the dust and shall call upon the name of the Lord in great trepidation. R5852:5 "Every man's hand against his neighbor." (Zech. 8:10, Zech. 14:13) R5516:4, R5526:3, R2313:6, R1243:1; OV341:2; SM266:1, SM735:T It will also mean a time of fiery trial to the household of faith, with whom it begins. R5268:5, R4311:3; B361 The perplexity of the people will increase with greater stress-- financial and social. R5697:3 The Kingdom of Messiah will be born in a time of terrible travail, but the glorious results will more than compensate. Cv RELATIONSHIP TO MESSIAH'S KINGDOM AND REIGN The outward sign by which the world will know that Messiah has accepted his throne. CR291:4; R5680:6, R5269:2 Showing that Christ has taken his great power and begun his reign. R5523:1; OV321:3 Ushering in the new dispensation. R5092:6, R4149:4; SM411:2, SM160:T Inaugurating Messiah's Kingdom. R5753:1, R5765:6, R4353:3, R5554:2; HG415:1; SM104:1, R511:3 During which the present ruling powers under Satan shall give place to the Kingdom of God under Christ and his Church. R1377:3 Describing the period of transition from Gentile supremacy to Messiah's Kingdom. R5564:1, R5399:6 The first work of Christ's reign will be the smiting of the earth "with the rod of his mouth" (Isa. 11:4), the truth. R1352:2 Ending the Gospel age and its Harvest, and introducing the Millennial Kingdom. R5053:1, R2564:4, R436:4, R5019:1, R4891:5, R5554:2, R1385:5, R1423:1 WHEN DOES IT START -- "The morning cometh, and also the night." (Isa. 21:12) The morning is here, but there will be a great storm of trouble before its full splendor of Millennial brightness. R4149:4 When the last member of the Body of Christ has passed beyond the veil and the "salt of the earth" is gone. (Matt. 5:13) R5173:3; D548 The latter part of the great battle--day which began in AD 1874. R1969:5 Delayed, in part, because of the dispersion and the language barriers introduced at the Tower of Babel. R5161:2 Not yet come, but near, even at the door (1905). R3630:3 This time of trouble will not begin nor end in 1914. It may be beginning now (1905). There may be beginnings now, but these are only leading up to the real trouble. Q71:2 Not expected before 1914 AD. R4671:4, R4699:2, R4857:2; SM162:1; HG417:2, HG676:1; C211 The terrible Armageddon which will follow the present war (1914). SM412:3; Diii; Q769:2; R5516:4 We are in the beginning of the time of trouble (1915). R5619:5*, R5680:6, R5864:4 Which has begun. Bix; R5864:4, R490:6, R3342:6; OV346:1; HG62:4 The first step in banishing all evil conditions. R1592:4 EFFECTS ON TRUE AND NOMINAL CHURCH AND THE WORLD -- Including the tribulations upon Babylon. SM411:2 While there will be trouble in the outside heathen nations also, the trouble will specially affect civilized nominal Christendom--Churchianity. R3771:4 As a part of it, even before its severity, there will be a severe hour of trial and testing on the truly consecrated Church, much as it was in the days of Papacy's triumph. B361 We have not yet had "enough" --there is yet a great and final shaking up of the church and the world to take place. (Heb. 12:26-28) R1155:5, R3052:6 We rejoice not in the trouble, which surely saddens every tender heart, but in how the world will be prepared by it for a grand change of government. R5805:6 Let us not unduly emphasize this feature of the divine plan in presenting matters to our Christian friends of the world; let us emphasize the goodness of God and the blessings in store. R5373:6 RELATED SCRIPTURES -- The "dark night" in which the reapers must cease their labors, proving that the final work of the Gospel age is accomplished. (John 9:4) C211 The period of dashing the nations to pieces as a potter's vessel. (Psa. 2:9) SM717:1; OV324:1; HG496:4 Where there will be "weeping and gnashing of teeth." (Matt. 22:13) R4679:5 The "great furnace of fire" (Matt. 13:42) which comes at the close of the Harvest upon the unworthy tare class. C146 The tribulation of Matt. 24:21, but not that of Matt. 24:9, 29. R711:3 The "great earthquake" of Rev. 16:18, 19. SM236:2 The "curse" of Elias. (Mal. 4:5, 6) R1538:1, R3120:5; OV324:1 Such -- So terrible and so general. D540; R5469:2 As never was -- The greatest is at the close of the Gospel age, though the closing features of the Jewish age were typical of it. R711:2, R1743:3 Worldwide and not a local disturbance as were the previous seasons of destruction. Q849:T Since there is so much that is wrong now, the retribution will be heavy at first. B138 Because men were never before so responsible. E410 So thorough will be the correction, it will never need to be repeated. R1519:4; OV321:3 Anarchy at this time would affect mankind more than at any previous time in history. R5469:2 Accompanied by a ferocity never seen in the past. R5469:3 The shaking, unsettling and incidental trouble. R1305:3 The effect will be so overruled that such a tribulation will never again be possible. HG417:2 "Unless those days should be shortened no flesh would be saved, but for the elects' sake, those days will be shortened." (Matt. 24:21) OV220:7 "No, nor ever shall be." (Matt. 24:21) R3630:3, R5864:4, R622:4, R5564:1, R5916:1; OV186:4; D540 Thy people -- The twelve tribes. HG82:4. Daniel's people, the Jews, and with them all desiring to be God's people. HG457:6, HG 81:1, HG82:4 The worthy of the Patriarchal, Jewish, Gospel and Millennial ages. C62 Shall be delivered -- Forever freed of enemies. C62 When the time of trouble comes over Christendom, a great many wealthy Hebrews will want a place of safety--and that place will be Palestine. CR141:5 Written in the book -- God has an account, a record. CR139:1; R1893:4; Q537:3 God is making a record of those who are true Jews. CR139:1 Clearly refers, not to John the Revelator's book of life, but to Ezekiel's "writing of the house of Israel." (Ezek. 13:9) HG66:2, HG82:4 "The Lamb's book of life." (Rev. 21:27) C62; F666 Daniel 12:2 Them that sleep -- Note that there are two classes-- "thy people" of verse 1 and "them that sleep" of verse 2. HG82:5 Those who have died. SM544:T; CR139:4; R1377:6, R2173:1 Including both the good and the bad. E346; SM544:T; HG228:5 Death is a condition of rest, of quiet, of peaceful unconsciousness. R5059:6, R4794:2; E346 Since there shall be a resurrection, God speaks of the dead as asleep, not extinct. OV333:4; R4588:5 In the dust -- Showing where the dead sleep; not in heaven, not in purgatory, not in a hell of torment. R5060:1, R4588:6; SM39:T; OV333:4; PD61/72 In the Bible hell--sheol, hades, the tomb, the state of death. SM39:T; R2173:1, R5133:1 Shall awake -- As a result of the exercise of Michael's power. R2173:1 In the resurrection morning. E346; R5133:1, R4775:4; OV139:3 Some -- Two small classes will come forth already acquitted, justified to life. R1180:1 Among these will be noble characters--such as Lincoln, Grant, Plato, Socrates, Confucius and many others less notable. R2331:6 To everlasting life -- Lasting life in its full perfection. F716 The Church of glory, in the first resurrection. R5893:3; F666 Like Abraham, their trial is in the past. R3399:3 And some -- Including Alexander, Nero, Napoleon, the Caesars and the Popes. C62; R4652:4 To shame -- Dishonor, from which, however, they may be recovered by the restitution processes then put into operation. F666 Their shame will last until they reform. CR405:6, C350:1; R2833:2, R5390:2 There is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed. R4992:2, R2331:6 A time in which characters will be shown up. OV209:2; R2613:4, R4992:2 The persecutors of God's people will be ashamed when they come forth and realize what they did. R5479:3 Representing those whose trial will take place during the Millennium. R2198:1 Quite probably, restored men will have considerable power of mind-reading and intuitive discernment over the imperfect, occasioning a portion of the shame of the awakened wicked. R1954:3 When every secret thing is brought into judgment (Eccl. 12:14) many a face will blush and hide itself in confusion from others. R722:6, R2613:4; F716 The details of their past life will be an open book to the whole world. R4652:4 Those remembered as brutal and devilish, such as Caligula, Diocletian, Torquemada, and thousands less notorious may be expected among the last to be resurrected. R1529:5 Progress on the highway of holiness will purge one from the "contempt" of his fellows and correspondingly relieve himself of "shame." F718 Everlasting contempt -- From which they will be obliged to purge themselves by obedience to the divine requirements under Messiah's glorious reign of righteousness. R4729:3, R5167:4 Self-contempt, as they begin to realize their mental and physical depravity. R2833:1 Which will last just as long as they are contemptible. R4992:2, R5167:4, R5479:3, R2331:6, R4652:4, R5390:2, R5893:3; CR405:6, CR350:1; PD61/72; F716 Some few, because of wilful, intelligent opposition to God, shall never come up to life. R1180:1 It may take centuries for deeply-dyed characters to purge themselves of this contempt and rise gradually to true nobility and human perfection, or, failing to do so, to die the Second Death. R4609:5 The Hebrew text signifies "lasting," not "everlasting." R5390:2, R5893.3, R4729:3; F716 Daniel 12:3 They that be wise -- The Little Flock, the wise virgins. A292; F666; R722:6 Those who so thoroughly believe the testimony of God as to yield themselves fully to his will are wise indeed. R1955:2 Shall -- When righteousness is finally established in the earth. R1955:5 Of the firmament -- "Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun." (Matt. 13:43) A292; C61; F666; R722:6, R1881:6 They that turn many -- Of this class were the prophets and other justified faithful ones of past ages; and some others, such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and Confucius, who enjoyed only the waning light of nature, but were faithful to that little light. R722:6 Stars -- The "stars of heaven," heavenly rulers--Christ and his Bride. R4370:2, R1881:6, R2067:4, R3965:3; D594; CR350:1, CR405:6; HG334:3 Ancient Worthies. R1409:5, R1955:5; A291 Celestials. R3965:3 Whose brilliancy and beauty vary. (1 Cor. 15:41, 42) R5951:5,3, R3965:3 They will always be bright ones, men and women of special honor because of their noble efforts to stem the tide of evil when the full force of the tide was against them. R723:1 Daniel 12:4 And seal the book -- So state matters that they cannot be understood before the due time. B87 The prophets of old often did not understand their own utterances, but wrote for the Gospel Church. R1148:3, R1418:6, R3646:1 It is (now, in the Time of the End) an "open book"--of unsealed prophecies. (Rev. 10:7) HG79:2 Even to -- Had the knowledge come sooner, the trouble would have come sooner. A337 Doubtless it would be impossible to understand many of the deep things pertaining to the Messianic age long in advance of that period. R5055:1 The time of the end -- The end of the long reign of sin and death. CR478:1; OV6:3 The closing of this Christian age and the opening of the new dispensation. OV147:4; PD90/105; Div; R4353:3, 6 The day of God's preparation. (Nah. 2:3) R1258:4, R2393:2, R2974:2; HG416:3 Which began in 1799 AD. C63; OV147:4; CR477:6; R1258:4, R5565:3, R2973:4 It follows, therefore, that no one could understand the prophecy before 1799 AD. C24 An unanswerable argument, proving that this is God's time to introduce a new order, is the lifting of the veil of ignorance and the gradual letting in of the light of intelligence and invention--just as foretold, when foretold and with the results predicted. A337; B18; Div Many shall run -- Then many shall run. A168; C63 To and fro -- By means of the "chariots with flaming torches"--automobiles, trolley-cars and railway trains--which "rage in the streets and jostle one another in the broad ways." (Nah. 2:3, 4) Q759:4; OV6:3, OV269:6; Div; R1142:3 The first steamboat was operated in 1807, the first steam locomotive in 1831, the first telegraph in 1844. C63 By which the various nations, peoples and classes are intermingled and waked up to the true situation of matters. R3898:5 Now multitudes run to and fro whose grandfathers probably never traveled 50 miles from their birthplace. PD90/105 For concluding from this prophecy that sometime men would travel 50 miles an hour, Voltaire referred to Sir Isaac Newton as a "poor old dotard." C63; R4825:2; OV61:4 And knowledge -- Born of the travel and commingling and printing. R4353:6 The telephone was first introduced in the fall of 1877. Two events took place in the same year which mark the ending of our age--the introduction of the electric telephone and the Berlin Treaty. R480:6* It does not say "capacity" is to be increased. A168 Promised light of divine providence. R5061:1 Including a knowledge of the teachings of the Great Pyramid. C319 Including a knowledge of God's Word. Nearly all the great Bible Societies were established between 1803 and 1817. C51 Apparently the Adversary is trying to run things in his own direction, but the light itself which we are enjoying today is the promised light of Divine Providence. Q579:2 The policy of Satan now is to devise plausible counterfeits of truth to entrap and mislead those who have been making progress in the knowledge of the divine plan. R1362:6 The light shining more and more unto the perfect day would not be contradictory, but establish and clarify the truths already shown, including the times and seasons. R3437:1 Knowledge is a dangerous thing, except for those who are perfect--and all mankind, through the fall, are imperfect. OV147:6 The recognition of the Abomination of Desolation as such, and in its proper place, is a sign of the increase of knowledge-- and an evidence of the Time of the End. R710:6 Shall be increased -- Made general. OV147:5; R1308:4, R2973:4 The remarkable fulfillment of this prophecy marks our day as the Time of the End. OV270:1 By means of printing, railroads, telegraphs, etc., and the intermixture of various peoples and their various ideas. R1142:3, R5061:4 The Lord kept back the art of printing until the proper time. SM160:T Through compulsory education. OV6:3, OV147:5, OV269:6, OV61:5 The flood of light now illuminating the world is of God. R1245:2 God is now lifting the curtain of darkness and bringing to light labor-saving conveniences preparatory to the great reign of righteousness. HG302:1 It is because God is lifting the veil of ignorance and letting in the light which is of him, and not by human evolution, that present progress is attributable. R1258:4 Today there is opportunity for knowledge such as never before has been known. Div As the direct result of the mental awakening of man; printing, steam, electricity and applied mechanics being the agencies. D312 The world is awakening because it is morning; the Millennial dawn is breaking. R5363:6, R1362:2 Our great scientists testify that present attainments are as nothing to what is just at hand. PD90/105 The increase of knowledge has been supplemented by governmental arrangements for the distribution of that knowledge amongst the people. R6014:2 Printing has stimulated a greater development of knowledge along every line within the past century than during the preceding 59 centuries. PD90/105 God permits circumstances to favor discoveries in the study of both his Book of Revelation and his Book of Nature. A168 But this knowledge is coming to people who at heart are unprepared for it. R5363:6 A Russian statesman said that education is the basis of all the revolutionary spirit amongst the people. Without some restriction, education is a dangerous thing. To an unregenerate heart it means power in an unregenerate hand-- which is not always safe. R5565:4 Not sooner, so that man could fully appreciate the curse, and because such choicest blessings would produce greater evils if bestowed on those whose hearts are not in accord with the righteous laws of the universe. A168 Therefore the young have, in many departments of knowledge, outstripped their seniors. The wise parent will set an example of childlikeness and be ready to learn from and with his children along the line of their superior advantage. R2074:2 Marking the time for the wise of God's people to understand the Bible. PD77/90 God's Word is abundantly distributed in all civilized lands. R3609:4 The fact that the divine plan and its times and seasons are now discernible is strong proof that we are living in the Time of the End. B19 As a result the "bulls" and "thunders" of Antichrist dare not be of the same character as previously. R3227:5 The increase of knowledge is responsible for the increase of discontent and fear which are bringing Armageddon. Di, D451; R1142:3, R5565:4, R1676:5, R4353:6, R5364:1; OV148:T Had the current knowledge on all subjects come sooner, it would have brought the time of trouble sooner. A337; OV148:2 Daniel 12:5 Of the river -- Of the flood, the flood of truth, "which the dragon cast out of his mouth" (Rev. 12:16) at the time of the French Revolution. C65 On that side -- Showing that, even when the Papal power to persecute had been ended, some would be in doubt as to whether its persecuting and crushing power is really at an end. C68 Daniel 12:6 And one said -- The conversation is recorded, not for Daniel, but for God's children living during the Time of the End. C64 Upon the waters -- Above the waters. C64 Of these wonders -- These wonderful perversions of truth, the deceptions of God's children and the nations of the earth by the Papacy. C68 Or, strange things. Not the things of verses 1 to 3, relating to the Kingdom of God, which were strange, but expected; but the intervening troubles during the age. C67 The "time of trouble" and the "resurrection" of the context. (verses 1 to 3) HG87:3 Daniel 12:7 It shall be for -- The Time of the End shall be after. C64 Times, and an half -- In the Bible a "time" is used in the sense of a year. A symbolic year, as used in prophecy, is reckoned on the basis of a lunar year--12 months of 30 days each, or 360 days--each day representing a year. B89; CR140:2 Three and a half times or years (360 x 3 1/2 equals 1260 days; symbolic time --1260 years), the period of Papacy's power, ending in AD 1799. Compare Dan. 7:25 and Rev. 12:14 with Rev. 12:6 and Rev 13:5. C64; B91; R319:1, R2978:1, R5565:2, R389:2* To scatter -- The crushing of the power. C68 The power of the holy people -- The truth. C82 Daniel 12:8 I understood not -- "Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy Spirit." (2 Pet. 1:21) Q787:4 "Not unto themselves, but unto us did they minister." (1 Pet. 1:12) B23 The prophets of old often did not understand their own utterances, but wrote for the Gospel Church. R1418:6, R598:3, R349:6*, R1148:3; B23 Even those who walked very closely with God could only have the light due in their day. R957:2 See comments on Dan. 12:4. The end of -- Later than (or after). C83 Daniel 12:9 Go thy way, Daniel -- It is useless for you to try to comprehend the matter now. C82; HG66:5 For the words -- Regarding the entire plan of God, together with the time features of it. B18 The prophecies concerning Present Truth. R1489:1 Closed up and sealed -- Their meaning is designedly hidden. E219; R1418:6, R1489:1, R5055:1 The angels, also beloved, could not understand. R218:1 Till -- Not forever, but merely till the present time. D605; R598:3, R1579:1; CR213:3 Until such time as God purposes to reveal his secrets, neither learning nor piety can find them out. B18 The mystery of God is to be finished, completed, and the full plan of God is to be revealed in this new dispensation now dawning. R5156:1 Leading us to expect things new, as well as old, to be then revealed. F233 If prophecy was never designed to be understood there could have been no reasonable object in giving it. B19 The time of the end -- The period beginning in AD 1799 and ending in 1914, within which time we may expect them to be understood. C24, C149; D414; F233; OV147:4 The due time for the further explanation of his plan to his people. R1178:1, R1579:1; E219 Because we are in the dawning of the new age, we may see the divine character and plan for human salvation much more clearly than did our forefathers. R5137:5 The work of harvest is still progressing, even though at one time we supposed that it would be accomplished by October, 1914. Ci Not the end of time. CR213:3 The end of this dispensation, of the present order of things. OV269:3, OV6:3; CR478:1 See comments on Dan. 12:4. Daniel 12:10 Many -- After the 1290 days or years, ending in AD 1829. C83 Shall be purified -- Shall separate themselves. C82 A purifying, cleansing, refining work in connection with the understanding of this prophecy. C83 And made white -- Make themselves white. C82 And tried -- "The trial of your faith, being much more precious than that of gold which perisheth." (1 Pet. 1:7) R1822:3 "Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you." (1 Pet. 4:12) R1823:1 "He is like a refiner's fire." (Mal. 3:2) R1823:4 But the wicked -- Or hypocrites. R5154:4; HG572:5 Perverters and scorners of the truth. R1896:6 Shall do wickedly -- Without interference from the Lord. R3304:5 And should not, therefore, be warned of the impending troubles. F592 None of the wicked -- Unfaithful to their covenant. C166 The tares of Churchianity; those out of harmony with God. R2691:6; Dii; OV268:4 Not the "tares" but only the "wheat," shall now understand. R2691:6 Being too indifferent to heed and search for the truth, and too weak-kneed to stand up for it if they did see it. R3050:4 The knowledge would be so communicated that the ungodly and unpurified would not believe it. C83 The merely formalistic Christian, merely abstaining from work one day of the week and going to church, is not to be expected to recognize his own likeness and to note its deformities and inconsistencies. R2459:2 The world in general, especially the Christian world who, having made a covenant with the Lord, are living contrary thereto. Also the servant who hid the Lord's money in the earth and returned it to him unused. (Luke 21:35) R2390:4 The viciously wicked are not sufficiently interested to find out what we believe or teach. R5248:2 We are not to use prophetic evidence as a club to drive the wicked to shelter. HG398:6 Shall understand -- God's plan and way. A168; R1308:4 If they did, it would be injurious to themselves, and would interfere with God's plan. CR159:6; SM13:1 It must be evident to all that prophecies, while clear, forcible and positive, are nevertheless somewhat undercover. R2976:3 Therefore the New Creation does not seek to alarm the world concerning the coming distress. They will not "cast their pearls before swine." (Matt. 7:6) F592 Though realizing that we are living in strange times and under peculiar circumstances, they try to persuade themselves that what we see today is merely a recurrence of what has repeated itself time and again during the past centuries. SM186:2 The general public does not comprehend, calling it "theological hair-splitting." R3481:1 Not comprehended, even though discussed freely in the presence of others. SM6:1 The Lord has so arranged it. Diii; R3050:4 The Lord does not honor the worldly-wise with a knowledge of his secrets. R1617:6 They cannot appreciate a God of justice and love. R5303:4 But the wise -- Of thy people, wise through faith. SM794:1; B15, B223; C166 In wisdom from on high; heavenly wisdom. R5248:2, R5092:6, R1488:1, R2972:6; B223; OV6:3 Wise toward God. R5970:4, R5039:2, R3015:6, R1308:4 The truly wise. R3947:1, R2765:1, R2491:5, R1567:1; C89 Not according to the wisdom of this world. R5970:4, R2974:2, R1488:1, R350:4*; OV61:6 Taught of God. R3033:5 Counted foolish by the world. SM319:2; R3015:6 The meek and faithful children of God, whose hearts are fully loyal to him. R1147:5, R5545:1, R1598:5 The wheat, the Little Flock. R2691:6, R2938:2; SM319:2 The wise virgins. SM232:1; OV61:6; R1877:5, R5146:4; Dii; HG314:3, HG316:4 "Who is wise that he may understand these things? Intelligent that he may know them? For righteous are the ways of the Lord and the just shall walk in them (understand them), but the transgressors shall stumble through them (misapprehend them)." (Hosea 14:9, Leeser) R2491:5 Reasoning on the basis of proven divine revelation. R1567:4 Only those seeking to live in harmony with his will may be expected to have true discernment of the plan of God. R3727:6 The Lord never reasons with any except those who have faith in him and trust his promises. R3947:1 Shall understand -- Then, at the end of the 1290 days. C83; D606; R5565:5 The Lord will open the eyes of only those whose hearts are in the right condition. CR435:3; SM6:1; R5061:5 In this glorious dawning of the new era. R5154:4, R5817:3 "It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven." (Matt. 13:11) CR159:6 The vision and the prophecy. D606 Matters as they become due. R3947:1, R2976:3, R5146:4; SM186:2 The fact that the antitypical Isaac was not to be only Jesus, but also the Church--a mystery the Jews and Babylon cannot comprehend. R4335:1 Be sealed in the forehead with a mental comprehension of the truth to separate and distinguish the servants of God from the servants and votaries of Babylon. C166 One evidence of faithfulness today would be a knowledge of Present Truth. R2942:4 Our thought is that none could be esteemed "overcomers," victors, while ignorant of our Lord's parousia. R2942:4 Since many of the watchers are not Greek scholars, God has made provision through such valuable helps as "Young's Analytical Concordance" and the "Emphatic Diaglott." R2974:2 If prophecy was never designed to be understood, there could be no reasonable object in giving it. B19; R2765:1, R2972:6 Daniel 12:11 And from the time -- AD 539, when both conditions were true. C83 The daily sacrifice -- The continual sacrifice. C83 Shall be taken away -- This occurred some years before the setting up of the abomination in AD 539. C83 The abomination -- That Wicked One (2 Thes. 2:8); the Man of Sin (2 Thes. 2:3); the Mystery of Iniquity (2 Thes. 2:7); the Antichrist (1 John 2:18); the Son of Perdition (2 Thes. 2:3); the Little Horn (Dan. 7:8); the Beast (Rev. 13:1); the Papacy (Matt. 24:15). B271, B277; C67, C76 Particularly its doctrine of transubstantiation and the sacrifice of the Mass, supplemented in our day by various theories of self-atonement. C36; D572; F471; R2822:6 Includes not only the mother system, Papacy, but the daughters as well. R711:1 That maketh desolate -- Nominal spiritual Israel. D571 Shall be 1290 days -- 1290 years, ending 1829 AD, at which time William Miller began to call attention to the time prophecies. C84, C87; R5565:5 Daniel 12:12 Blessed is he -- "O the blessedness of him!" indicated by the Hebrew text. C83, C84; R2978:2, R5568:5, R5950:4, R5565:6 The blessing implied in the Lord's parable of Luke 12:35-48. R3355:3 The right understanding of the vision would be deficient in some of its chief elements until the end of the 1335 days. C84 A joy of heart to the watchers who see the beginning of restitution and the second presence of Christ. R2978:2, R5568:5, R5565:6; C84 Indicating very special blessings in addition to those enjoyed at the end of the 1290 days; and this has been actually the case. C84, C88, C197; R2978:3, R5565:6 The blessedness of great enlightenment and appreciation of God's glorious purposes. R5950:4 All of the special blessings that we, as a company of Bible Students, have received during the past 40 years have been the result of the Lord's presence. R5566:1 That waiteth -- That is waiting earnestly, watchfully. C83, C127, C197 To the 1335 days -- 1335 years, from 539 AD, ending 1874, the time of the second advent of the Lord. C83, C127; R2978:1, R5565:6 Beginning of the Times of Restitution. B187, B196; R2978:2 Beginning of Harvest. R5772:4, R5950:4; C94, C197 A date looked forward to by many Bible students as the possible time for the Church to be complete--although nothing in the Bible so declared. R5772:4 Daniel 12:13 Till the end be -- Till the "Harvest," or end of the age, be come. F666 For thou shalt rest -- "David is not ascended into the heavens." (Acts 2:34) R1591:5 Stand in thy lot -- Arise again for thy portion or reward. C83, C94 At the end -- After the end. "The harvest is the end." (Matt. 13:39) C83, C94 Of the days -- The 1335 days. C94; R180:6*