Aaron-- and successors--Chief or High Priest, head and representative and mouthpiece. | Christ Jesus, our Lord and Head and representative; the High-Priest of our profession or order. | The Popes, in turn, High-Priests of the Papal Hierarchy; its lord, head and mouthpiece. |
Under-Priests, deriving their official dignity and rights and privileges of service through Aaron, whose body they represented, typified the Church of Christ. | The Church glorified, the Body of Christ, sharers of his glory, majesty, and office of ruler: whose offices will differ, as star differeth from star in glory. | The Church of Rome consists of the bishops and prelates, who share the dignities of the hierarchy, though differing in degrees of honor--cardinals, bishops, etc. |
Subject to the Hierarchy are assistants, as follows: |  |  |
The Levites, who did services connected with the typical Tabernacle--teaching, etc., etc. An inferior order of priests not permitted to enter the Most Holy Sanctuary (typical of the spiritual nature), neither to look therein. | The earthly phase of the Kingdom of God; through whom the glorified Church will have more direct contact with the world, in teaching, governing, etc., and who also will have closest communion with the spiritual Church in glory. | The under-priests of Papacy, not parts or members of the church or hierarchy, but called "Brothers" and "Sisters." Of these are the teachers, nurses, etc., in direct contact with the people as well as with the hierarchy. |
All Israel was taught and directed by the above described hierarchy. And in Moses, who was a type of the complete Christ, they had prophet,
priest and king united, typical of Christ's Millennial authority. Acts 3:22 | The World will be taught, directed, ruled and helped by the above described Kingdom of God and its earthly representatives, which will have all power, and must be obeyed; and all who obey not will be "cut off." Acts 3:23 | Papacy claims the obedience of the World to its rule and teachings --as being the Kingdom of God. The lower priesthood is its agent. When in power, it attempted to enforce its laws, and to "cut off" those who obeyed not. |